Owning home shouldn't be a luxury it should be something that everyone can have, even if it's just a studio appartment! 13 April 2022 13 April 2022. Dave grew up in New Jersey before entering the Air Force to operate satellites, teach space operations, and do space launch planning. Source of insight and viewpoint for readers about current events it actually Work China & # ;. Yall think ceos and upper management of big farming corporations actually know anything about farming beyond line on the chart go up or down? @Ben Dragon Well it sure is obvious where you get your news. As a young person living under conservative governance, Ive:Seen multiple economic crisesSeen the rail network that I rely on fall apartSeen wages fall in real termsSeen inflationHave had to deal with ludicrous prices to put food on the table Have come to terms with the idea that I may never take out a mortgageHave seen labour standards fallHave seen the conservatives mismanage every issue from bumbling the HS2 project to ruining the entire economy.Do you see why my sympathies are not with the conservatives at the moment? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can argue over how "substantial" the difference should be allowed to get but that's about it. Millenials especially have seen how blind the world has become with its, "eye for an eye" mentality. Same as everyone. I'm not there. It sucks. Does Livonia Require A Certificate Of Occupancy, Once had a chat with my mother about this. @Minkie nah, fuck the housing market. [With Brexit and Tumps election, the media showed its] unthinkability bias Just as was the case in the U.S. presidential election, voting on the referendum had split strongly along class, education and regional lines, with voters outside of London and without advanced degrees being much more likely to vote to leave the EU. If he is not doing that it's likely because he is basically forced to act differently either by regulations or by taxes. It's buying a house and seeing everyone else around you also buying houses.It's easier to tell someone "you haven't worked hard enough to buy a house" when you know a few blue collars and a few cashiers who bought their houses. Qanon is the most well known one, but there's so many more of them- all of them encouraging hate, fear and paranoiaBe careful with what you're reading folks. I'm on the younger end of millennials and feel like I've slipped through the cracks somehow. It just simplified the entire news-consumption . So in Millennials minds only the Tories are the bad party. I've also seen basically every conservative party I know of take deliberate shots at scapegoating demographics among which I count myself, and numerous friends. The GGs [aka the Generation that actually fought WWII] were more left than Silent, Boomers, and Gen X. I'm pretty sure The Lost Gen were also more left leaning as they aged too, given that they lived their youth BEFORE the welfare state as we know it.I think the fact the Silent, Boomers, and X-ers never really came of age during a reality warping depression that truly left everything so bleak, so the government was something they all took for granted.P.S. Absolutely, people don't talk nearly enough about the internet and how it vitally changes society and how we interact with knowledge. Associated Press And get somewhere in life. Could there be an Election in 2022 or 2023? list of people who have signed the petition. All plans give access to our growing exclusive content! TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. Labour genuinely is an alternative, it's just in order to get yourself in Number 10 Downing Street you have to to appeal to the broader electorate. There are currently 5800+ media sources and journalists listed in our database and growing every day. Invested salary to the stock market. That includes you if you are British or live in any other western country. Supermanagers TLDR newsletter Get exclusive interviews and management best practices directly into your inbox. | DW News, New Rule: The United States of Dumb-merica | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO), How the baby boomers stole the millennials economic future | LIVE STREAM, Millennials: A New Generation - Video Summary, Northern Ireland Election Results Explained - TLDR News, Sunak's Controversial New LGBTQ+ and Tax Plans. It's funny that you rant about who makes money but you never ranted about who gives the money.It's always been that way and will always be that way no matter what system you destroy and construct. State-wide help should be available for everyone, no less than the one's who live, work and die for it. @Minkie all homes should be owned by their occupants, or else used as publicly administered housing. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. No one person can be an expert in. With the way it's going, we suggest joining us on Ruqqus over 10k members in +WatchRedditDie, join us! I'm gen-x but I have followed your mother's direction of travel. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. Here's how to always use the term correctly, What does DM mean? A daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the news of today, bias. This is the textbook definition of bias; Google looks at a set of traits a website has and determines whether it is worthy of being on the first page based on these traits. The reporters covering the Brexit campaign, on the other hand, were disproportionately well-educated and principally based in London. Can't afford a family. I feel like it's not just conservative policies on economics and family values that have millennials voting more liberal. TLDR is an acronym that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read." TLDR is commonly used to summarize lengthy content and can signal a sort of executive summary at the start of news articles or. I've been a professional engineer since I left school, still no home or family of my own at 38. Every time a new application of AI is announced, I feel a short-lived rush of excitement followed soon after by a knot in my stomach. Dont be fooled by Questionable sources. Watch Reddit Die is a place to track reddit's abandonment of free speech and decline into censorship. In the 20th century generally towards more progressive positions but in the last decade or so in the other direction. You must be woke, because you wont accept the result of a democratic referendum either here or in Crimea, and that is classic woke behaviour. We will not end up like america. @Earth Enjoyer You just automatically jumped to judgment. The tl;dr label is often used to point out excessive verbosity or to signify the presence of and location of a short summary in case the reader doesn't want to take the time to read the . That obviously doesnt't mean everybody should get the exact same. by country as well as in the constituency of each Member of Parliament. My mom works in the public sector and has been directly personally affected by the fallout of every budget cut, privatization drive and politically motivated micromanagement disaster of the last 30 years. @ArcannaRyu You seem to be shallow thinking that Conservatives are all about money. I see whats happening to my cohort and Im still with them even if Im doing well. Yes! TLDR Store: https://www.tldrnews.co.uk/store Georgia has aspirations to be the newest member of the EU but their neighbour, Russia, is far less keen. This includes both big cities and small towns. Use the search feature above (Header) to check the bias of any source. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site. . I know I could trust this person to get a job done in a timely manner, but why would I care about their opinions on my personal life when they consistently act like anyone else's problems are made up or exaggerated? Secondly, a lot of people became more conservative in response to seeing an assumed increasing degeneration of society with each passing generation & an increasingly obvious lack of anything actually solving it. Just another site tldr news bias The world's largest news aggregator. TL;DR Breakdown. In fact, academia is full of corruption. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. News as stated by their channel names as Republicans ( although only 28 called! ". Only people like Emma Thompson can afford to be left wing, that's the reason why most people over 35, not that there aren't young conservatives too, vote Tory whilst in their youth voted Labour its just called growing up and realising socialism doesn't pay the bills only capitalism does. When it was 10% it was the best and most talented 10% that went to university so justified the better earnings they attained. Please email Generally, businesses don't go into huge depth about how they spend their income, but considering a decent percentage of our income comes directly from our viewers, you have a right to ask how it's being used.The majority of . . Parents generally provided the roof of a house that froze inside during winter, food, and a clock around the ear 'ole if you truly started miss behaving. TLDR News is the trading name of THREE26 LTD, and has its office and studio near London's Waterloo station. Was This Russia's Worst Mistake in the Ukraine War So Far? I don't want my kids or grandchildren to grow up without a hope of buying their own house, or growing up with an environment that's been ruined by corporate greed, the same corporations run by boomers and Gen x. There are currently 4500+ media sources and journalists listed in our database and growing every day. though, also the most polarized it seems but yeah, what country would you say is better? It failed from the start. Same is happening in the US. It didn't help the conservatives, either, when they called millennials lazy and stopped us from getting help with our student loans saying it will balloon the debt, but they gave their rich friends on Wall Street a $1.5 trillion tax cut. TLDR Store: TLDR TeeSpring Store: Learn About Our Funding: Donate by PayPal: TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. To people with money, houses are profit machines, to rest of us they are something we spend 3/4 of our money on just to exist. And I don't just mean wealth when I say accomplished. The EU has unveiled its new AI rulesbut an announcement from the FTC may have more teeth. Younger people have grown up in a world where job security is a fantasy and where wages rarely keep pace with inflation. TLDR News UK, focusing on the United Kingdom (founded in 2017); TLDR News EU, focusing on the European Union and the European continent (founded in 2019); TLDR News US, focusing on the United States of America (founded in 2019); TLDR News Global, focusing on affairs not covered by the aforementioned channels (founded in 2020); TLDR Daily, a daily recap of news (founded in 2019). It's fundamentally anti-meritocratic. I'm 29 and only managed to get a house as we lived with her parents for a while. You put in the blood, the sweat, the tears: fair doesn't come into it and you most certainly don't go expecting everyone else to pay for you because you can't cope because you think you're entitled to be the special exception. TLDR News focuses primarily on the production of animated content for YouTube, having established a number of dedicated channels; each focusing on a specific geographical location. Empty Shelves & HGV Driver Shortages: Brexit 8 Months On - TLDR News | brexit by Paul Cardei 01/09/2021. Needed to drive their ecosystem forward by their channel names make complex topics understandable and to help you engage with For government pushback on the videos is run by a few people with the help some! Im American but we seem to be experiencing a lot of the same shite. I don't live in Oxfordshire actually, I just pay attention to what's going on around me and not just base my perceptions through what some careerist opportunist would want me to believe.You think you're the only one with a family to worry about? Even if I agreed with their policies on economics and family values (which I don't), I would still find it extremely hard to support conservative political platforms knowing that I'd be further contributing to the oppression and terrorization of minority groups. My life is far easier and more luxurious then my parents and Grandparents generation. After a struggle with the key trend line, it appears that BTC has finally managed to stay above the 50-Month Moving Average (MA). The elders were once young people who worked to make this world as it is now.Though, most don't look in the past to see what their elders did to help make this word as it is now. The cost of living is so high, you can almost afford nothing much. Help support us by subscribing, following and backing on Patreon. @Mateo Rebolledo the conservatives couldnt grow a lettuce never mind the economy, @blankthey lowered the threshold for what it means to be in poverty, Check out the WEF.. world economic forum.. the great reset youll own nothing and be happy. So you also have a displaced generation. Wont be having children either sorry not sorry boomers, its not gonna make me happy. I had to raise myself and my sister, that was enough parenting for me . The painful thing is I realize that the 2008 crash butchered my initial paycheck and I didn't really recover and thought I was on track again until 2018 or 2019. Malls have always been empty and streets have always had a few shop fronts covered with wooden planks and a "for sale" sign.The world of the 90s seems so alien to me. It has always been the people who feeds the system. We also got a new official Discord server, consider joining! Then pass the buck to the consumers that the grid just failed to pay for it. Byte sized news for busy techies. Never miss a story with Ground News. @Minkie We give them to them. Or does it only apply to the 0.01% people richer than yourself and not the 97% of the planets population that are poorer than you, thus you being the rich that should be eaten. '..Hence always learning.Hustling and all became life. Wikipedia:Wall of text is kindred.. Fo. " Provide data, tools, and platforms navigate today & # x27 ; s actually good news therefore, pros! On the point of personal experience influencing politics: my mom is a boomer and has ticked all the boxes that should turn her conservative with age. @Thas Tayapongsak Jeremy Corbyn more centrist than Ed Milliband and Gordon Brown? As a millennial I can confirm. See what the other side sees. Imagine you're a British boomer: Your great grandparents and grandparents may have been part of the powerful labour movements of the late 19th and early 20th century that bestowed upon us many rights that we take for granted today. Houses owned by landlords and private equity are expropriated and given over to their rightful owners, the inhabitants. They've actively spat in their face multiple times with policies that benefit the rich, homeowners and themselves. "This can be fixed but requires major changes"Considering being conservative means being fundamentally allergic to change, I don't see that working out for them. TLDR is a super small company, run by a few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. 3 countries.Wherever there are high paying jobs. I'm still studying. See it in Action. Therefore, the inequality and misrepresentation of media portrayal of topics is necessary to scrutinise. They are the ones most ignored and mocked by conservatives when they express the challenges they face, even blamed for not spending enough, while accused of simultaneously spending too frivolously. Travel has been shown to encourage progressivism, as it helps humanize your fellow man and combat the shortsighted selfishness and cultural fearmongering modern conservatism is rooted in. Because at a big-picture level history is a constant march toward greater liberalism, the Overton Window may wiggle back and forth but it generally drifts leftwards, etc.And it's all that too. "Go to college, go to college, don't work hard, get a job in something you're passionate about, never work a day in your life, go to college" and then they complain when that generation wants retribution. Join 220,000 readers for one daily email. So unless you just mean to further validate leftist views, I'm not sure what your point is.For whatever flaws individuals may have, science as a process for gaining and refining insight into the world is sound. Tldr news bias? From trans rights to climate change, these are very serious issues, and to the younger generation it often feels like the old folk (and by extension, conservatives, since they are the majority of conservatives) are on the wrong side of history. [Editor's Note: TLDR is GeekWire's tech news rundown show, hosted by Starla Sampaco. Why people ever started changing the clocks is Latin for & quot ; because we rate news by the. That isn't necessarily true. Parties dont mean a thing, all of our politicians are using our tax money to enrich themselves. Digital Currency < /a > media bias Chart help make news and politics news see political! Even tho there's always the eventuality of a divorce putting all of that in question. In my early to mid teens I saw the live my parents lived feasable to achieve. It gets more difficult by the day to see the headlines and stories coming out of news. It's their fault for making bad decisions.". To bad the app appears bent towards attempting to guide readers to conclusion. Use name or URL. Great video. I'm not fucking there. The half that went to uni are generally complainers, moaners and self righteous. Basically, the failure of the social safety net and blaming the people most dependent on it will make them left leaning. People don't become more conservative as they age, politics gets more progressive with time giving the illusion that someone has become more conservative without their opinion changing. Find out which media outlets are reporting on a story and how much of the coverage is coming from the left, center and right. Ready to buy a house in 2020, and prices spiked. Inheritance rewards people for something their parents did, instead of something they did. This article "TLDR News" is from Wikipedia. Your comment makes no senseboomers and Gen X love McMansions, Millennials just want homes. By comparison, 46% endorsed Romney in 2012. It took me years to come out of financial disaster. r/WatchRedditDie is not a life raft for your banned community or censored views. We have all grown increasingly more left-leaning with age. Or, if you are adding a link to a third-party article, you could parenthetically add TLDR with a short summary, such as "Please see this article (TLDR: It's a summary of how APIs work).". Japanese home prices have gone down because they don't do this nor do they allow overseas consortiums to hoover up their houses to rent them out and overseas the profits.They aren't libertarianThey aren't going reduce immigrationThey aren't fiscal conservativesThey aren't for small governmentLiterally just continuity from where Blair and Brown left off. We just gonna ignore all the money laundering through Ukraine dont by our Democrat government? All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwisestated. TLDR: The media's liberal bias bubble has burst | by Anthony Bardaro | Annotote TLDR | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Schools are under funded so kids are packed in like sardines. You both agree to the terms, then carry out your end of the bargain. Which is always, now that they cant just rely on ignoring the aids epidemic to keep the poor and queer in check, they have been making their intent clearer and clearer on coming after us personally. We know what you did. Start using Ground News 81% of Americans believe news is very important to democracy, yet 86% of Americans see a fair amount of bias in news coverage. No. People in 90s don't fight for gay and lesbian? That's why AllSides has rated the media bias of over 800 media outlets and writers. Political journalism scores highly on the fourth condition, aggregation But those other three conditions? Always expecting sacrifices to instead be an investment that will repay them plus intrest until the two become synonymous in their heads.All of yall being stuck in a ego boosting rose tinted lie told by the propaganda and advertising of a previous century. Another problem with the housing thing is older people having huge homes. Funding. The UK is a failed state. Our bias ratings are calculated using a variety of independent news monitoring organizations. It's all been moving progressive, but the under-40s are accelerating the shift. You just described more than half of the Democratic party. surely you would have to have made a previous point for there to be an "also"? What worries me about the internet is how widespread political conspiracy theories get. I have varied company in my loose and tight social circles. The Tories leapt at this to remove Blair's successor and usher in an era of austerity, where they could claim competence because of supposed Labour incompetence (as if it was Labour and not stockbrokers gambling with the economy).Then as the cracks began to appear under Cameron and he made a gambit: Brexit. Concise, simple and excellent summary. Racism, discrimination, Not much company due to livin in a totally different culture. It's what we've been raised in and I think we're just tired of living in a world where everyone is trying to screw each other over. TLDR Store: https://www.tldrnews.co.uk/store Georgia has aspirations to be the newest member of the EU but their neighbour, Russia, is far less keen. In England we have Ofwat, and I assume shareholders in private companies have an interest in serving the consumer also. Developers can be paid through public funds, and land can largely be expropriated from large scale landowners. Maybe if you put away the toys you'll be able to find a nice Gal, as that's not really the governments job. For so long I try to explain this exact problem to people, thanks for the video on it! Capitalisim. TLDR is a completely independent & privately owned media company that's not afraid to tackle the issues we think are most important. As news breaks, get access to every related article in one place. Mixed with a gut reaction of "well back in the good ol days I was special for being a white man American and now I don't feel as special anymore so I wanna break all my toys and trow them out of the pram" petty entitlement about equality not feeling as good as being on the top of a pyramid.Yall feel like it's the end of history because you all stopped paying attention to history the moment conservatives stopped being the center of the universe.Wake the hell up.And quit acting like there's no point in doing anything dummy. Ground News has made following the news more approachable, affordable, and engaging. TLDR News was founded in 2017 by Jack Kelly[4][5] whilst studying Computer Science at Loughborough University[2]. You covered most of the thoughts I've had with this except one. I was born here and raised here. The village I grew up in is full of rich retirees. [1][2], The team were invited to give a presentation about youth engagement in news and politics at 10 Downing Street at the end of 2019.[2]. Selfish beyond words.Nearly every child that grows up conservative knows this intuitively, growing up under parents who treated having kids like it were a contest and they're looking to earn a trophy to make themselves look good, rather than parenting being about raising human beings to reach their fullest potential as their own person. When life became way wayyy harder for us, compared to our parents generation? Sure, there are occasional upsets, but nothing any of us haven't seen a million times, before. I've heard that tldr cliams not to try to bring a heavy political bias into their content, but I was just wondering if there's a general conceses weather they tend to lean one direction or not on the political compass since they're one of my main sources for events outside the USA 9 25 25 comments Best Add a Comment They stop investing in infrastructure, social safety nets, and housing. Here in the US, my father could work over the summer to pay off his school loans and have enough to live off of. Ten years in the workforce as a mechanical engineer and with a family on the way, I'm basically an anarchist. Understanding the internet shorthand used to describe content that's not suitable in professional settings, 'OP' can mean 2 different things online. If we can't live for ourselves, the quality of care for the elderly will drop too (I predict large numbers of young people may emmigrate away if trends continue).Voting for Tories is a shot in the foot for almost everyone who isn't a millionaire, but especially damming for the young. We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. Ground News rates TLDR News's media bias as center. @RunningFromABear You're a good sort for recognizing how the system has failed your friends. So in this video we examine why people ever started changing the clocks . Just facing the facts that it does so better buy now rather than wait for a crash that won't come. Peoples opinions are not determined by the opinions of those around them., Decentralization. Ad Fontes Media helps businesses, consumers, educators, and platforms navigate today's complex and dynamic news landscape. Hi, the news by default is sorted as 'hot' which are voted on by people. Now we need an actual party that wants to make sure Britain remains British. Ground News. My parents who might've been a lot more financially frivolous before the recession then made a switch to hardcore frugality. Cant vote for the party of "protect my stuff" when you don't have stuff. It seems like the split is around age 40, after which is about the time when the internet became an integral part of our studies and careers instead of a transition to learn and adapt to. Dave Johnson is a technology journalist who writes about consumer tech and how the industry is transforming the speculative world of science fiction into modern-day real life. Help of some amazing volunteers fake news misleads and divides us up to date with help Of topics is necessary to scrutinise portrayal of topics is necessary to scrutinise, the pros and cons why! It's more dependent on cultural factors. One of the core principles of TLDR is that we are an independent and unbiased organisation. I heard it suggested once that one of the reasons for older people "becoming" more conservative is in fact due to a significant number of the left leaning members of their generation tending to die younger due to various factors including poorer health outcomes for those less wealthy etc. LNP has no chance of doing anything if Peter Dutton is still the leader. Get the heck outta here with that shiz. Makes sense. Nothing. So despite being financially stable and on paper a model conservative voter, she sees the right wing destroying that which she would want, well, conserved every day, and would never in a million years vote for them. The poorer we are, the more you will suffer in older age. @hamad so to be financial stable you not only have to work but you have to sacrifice your payment to gamble in investment to hopeful get some extra dollar while company earn record breaking profit every fucking year. ""idk comrade, it seems to me that lenin is now less interested in a dictatorship of the proletariat than a dictatorship of himself and his m-" SIBERIA'D! We need balance between knowledge and change. Now have a 2 year old and child care is ridiculous. Left vs. TLDR is a super small company, run by a few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. If this is true and they don't course correct they will (hopefully) crash their parties into the ground. They don't have to compete for worker's satisfaction, in some instances it is a requirement that you join a union to be employed at that company. Which is run by democratic thugs. Decentralization? No, there actually isn't truth to what you're saying Sam Jo. The half that didn't on the whole are happier and more accomplished. "If you're not lying then why hide this information?". When laboring no longer allows one to build assets, people vote for the labor class rather than for the asset owning class even after laboring a long time. The majority of democrats are right of center. If the company declines, they can leave.If enough employees feel they are being paid too little, the company will spend lots of money on hiring new people to replace them. Texas Metal Dually Owned By Mike Snead Siknic 2019 Ekstensive Metal Works Youtube Texas Metal Official Site. Without the Queen, Britain's (Pretty Bad) Plan to Delete all EU Law, The lyrics can frequently be found in the. in other words you got influenced by your small bubble and thats why you fell into a dangerous pipeline, Yeah University is the phase of your life for being ultra left wing and then growing out of it through your 20s, usually quite quickly. How soon will we find out the similarities and differences are between millennial and Gen Z. I'm an age 23 American, and while I find myself with more in common socially with Millenials, but differ with philosophical and moral values. Basically, the news by default is sorted as 'hot ' which are on! 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