Moving abroad? They wear, When you are mad at someone or something, youre. Use this Aussie slang in your day-to-day conversations and Aussie might think you're one of their own. I find this one fine to use in person but it can sound a bit passive-aggressive via text. Australia Day is a day to reflect, respect and celebrate the Australian spirit and the best of this country our mateship, our sense of community and our resilience. There is little to no civilization in this area. Also spelt little Johnnie. [See the entry: Buckleys chance. Your parents. bucks party = [See the entry: bucks night.]. But, In North and South Australia, the word mate is slang for a friend. all over bar the shouting = A reference to something which is not yet finished, but where the outcome is certain. bingle = A minor collision or crash, usually a car crash, e.g. Thats fair dinkum. on the piss = Drinking alcohol, or drinking alcohol excessively. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. Wilkes A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, and found support for my contention in this part of his entry: Required fields are marked *. You know. he smoked his durry outside, hurry for your durry. spat the dummy = To have a tantrum, get angry, be of bad temper; e.g. Can also be used in a general sense when speaking to someone, e.g. gday cobber = Another way to say Hello mate or Good day to you, my friend. Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang footy is a shortened name for football. best thing since sliced bread = Something that is very good, a great invention. Now, you can make the most of your Aussie slang with these three ripper gadgets 1. Quagga (Kwa -gh - uh): This slang name is used to refer to . Na, its in woop woop, cant be bothered going that far. Looking to create a blog? You would have probably heard this used in the popular slang phrase of throw another shrimp on the barbie!. the liver needs to detoxify the bloodstream so it uses water from other parts of the body including the brain to do it. Now I use it all the time. Cooler. Topics From a reference to an outdoor toilet. Brekkie The most important meal of the day, "brekkie" means breakfast. a hangover cure See also SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Drinking alcohol abstinence abstinence-only after hours idiom barhop barhopping drinker drinking drinking game drinking-up time drown Aussie = [2] Australia, or something from Australia; e.g. Meaning: (Noun) Tea is Aussie slang for dinner. It is not the drink a person has that is made of plant leaves. Ah, hes a bloody fruit loop!. Once empty, a goon bag can be inflated to form a makeshift pillow. = A line from the chorus of the song Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again, by The Angels; in public performances, it is common practice for the crowd to follow the line by jumping in with the response No way, get fucked, fuck off!, chanted in tune with the music. Its 25 clicks to the RV (RV refers to a rendezvous). Meaning: (Noun) The word bush in Australian slang means getting away from civilization. Look at that bloke; hes almost falling over; hes blotto. Just my two cents . We believe in a fair go around here; also used as a form of protest, e.g. ron = A contraction of later on, e.g. Dont trust that bloke, hes a dog, He dogged on his mates. Just avoid the gambling game. being selected to join a team or group). Meaning: (Noun) A drongo is another popular Australian slang that refers to a fool or a stupid person. Im a bit sus of the tyres on my car, I think theyre no good, I think that used-car dealer is a bit sus. Read More Go for gold: 18 things to do in Bendigo in 2023Continue, Earlier this week, my countrys people, wherever they were at the time, banded together to celebrate our nations national holiday Australia Day. Meaning: (Noun) The word Ya is Aussie slang for You.. come the raw prawn = To try to impose on someone, or to seek an advantage, e.g. hawk the fork = Soliciting for purposes of prostitution; from hawk (to sell) and fork (vagina). See the following list: See: IAC list on Trove. Similar to hoo roo. A Cold One / Coldie - It refers to Beer Avo - Avocado (A fruit) Accadacca - Australian band ACDC is referred to as this by Aussies. Term of endearment used by Australians of European origin (chiefly Greek and Italian) referring to white Australians, based on Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. The, Read More Wine Not? she gave him a real earbashing. #SpoonTip: the drinking age in Australia is 18. See also small beer. spewin = Angry, very upset, not very happy, e.g. crook = [2] To attack or abuse, to go crook at someone, e.g. To treat someone. Recommended poetry Be quiet, or Ill hit you on the head). shell be right = Everything will be alright. He dudded me on the deal. Old Duck. Meaning: (Noun) A snag is Australian slang for sausage.. Similar to the phrase Shell be apples. Ayers Rock (Northern Territory)humungous = Very big; an extrapolation of huge, e.g. Our official name for Australian slang! Made famous by the ill-fated former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who enjoyed using Australian slang to speak to the electorate and often pleaded for a "fair suck." The phrase generally means that. He cracked onto her. A biscuit (or cookie), commonly used in the phrase tea and biccies, a hangover of Australias colonial days. bees dick = Something very small, or used as an indication of a short distance or a close call, e.g. Hes got hollow legs. Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). Crow-eater = Someone from South Australia. A country dunnydunny = Toilet (bog, crapper, loo, shitter, water closet). chockablock = Full, e.g. Example: Its almost Chrissie, yet we havent prepared for anything! 03. chuck a wobbly = Have a tantrum, get angry (the imputation is that one is acting like a mentally disabled person having a fit, wobbling about all over the place); also chuck a fit, chuck a mental, chuck a mickey, e.g. beer oclock = A way of saying that its time for a beer. Heres a fun new word, Barbeque. Usually used regarding men. ethnic = A non-Anglo person; in common usage, ethnics usually refers to non-Anglo Europeans. cockies = [2] Often a derogatory term for poor bush farmers, possibly from having land so poor that they were jokingly said to only be able to farm cockies (cockatoos, a type of bird); however, it is now often used to refer to farmers in general. If Jimmy kissed Rileys girlfriend it would be considered a dog move. Short for biscuit, a.k.a. true blue = Someone or something that is genuinely Australian or very Australian. What a bogan!" #2. Youre such a bludger. Loved your photos of the big mosquito. Up shit creek without a paddle = In dire trouble, in a quandary. The bulge in the lycra briefs' forward-facing extremity resembles . Example: Gday mate! This means there are 19 expressions identified as Australian, plus the two rhyming slang expressions. divvy = Divide, e.g. Meaning: (Noun) Brekky is Australian slang for breakfast. Bottle-ache Life Lenses Used from the mid-19th to the early 20th century. like a bandicoot on a burnt ridge = Someone who is very alone. buggery = [See the entry: go to buggery.]. iffy = Not very good, suspect, suspicious, e.g. Drop Bear, Scientific name: Thylarctos plummetus, Cant bear em: how GPS is helping to track drop bears, Advance Australia Fair: How the song became the Australian national anthem, Under the Southern Cross I Stand [the Australian cricket teams victory song], Unveiling of the monument to Henry Kendall [27 November 1886], A poets mother Louisa Lawson [The Bulletin, 24 October 1896], Valentine [poem by Phyllis Duncan-Brown, 13 February 1937], An Editorial: St. Valentines Day [13 February 1937], The Man from Snowy River [poem by Banjo Paterson], The Man from Ironbark [poem by Banjo Paterson], The Bard and the Lizard [poem by John Shaw Neilson], To a Sprig of Wattle! Im not sure about this chicken in the fridge, I think its a bit iffy. smoko - cigarette break. Laptop. Fair go, mate! as a demand for fair treatment. There was also some slang relating to the Bondi Tram that I am unable to recall. I wish it meant something more interesting like that! he bailed her up to talk about her decision. You bewdy!; may be called out when something good happens. Books (full text) Shes a dead set stunner, Im dead set against that. not worth a cracker = Something that is worthless, or close to worthless; may come from the worth of a cracker (biscuit), but possibly from the term cracker that denoted a clapped-out or near-worthless cow or sheep. great Australian dream, the = The desire to own ones own home and block of land. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. A. G. Stephens To speed with enthusiasm, particularly around corners. Davo = David. Excuse me, digger, how do I get to the next town? Derived from World War One army slang, when the soldiers referred to each other as digger. 1. A Cold One - Beer. no worries = Not a problem, its all okay, everything is fine. vomiting). BTW, for me 'Baz" is short for Barry (my brother-in-law's name: s'times also Bazza) but maybe Brians use this as well? Cigarette, which also gets called a ciggy or a dart. : Excellent! Chunder - Vomit. Whered you get it? Similar to cactus. This post forms part of my guide to visiting Australia for the first time. Chuck a u-ie - To make a 180 degree turn. Get your laughing gear around that sanger. She was spewing because shed left her phone at work., Not what you think it means rather, its someone you find attractive. You may or may not be actually sick. lolly = A piece of confectionary, a candy, a sweet (an abbreviation of lollypop). I.e. Similar to the phrase Damn you to hell. We fanged it out of there. 3. A person who is up themselves is stuck up. For such a popular and comfy pair of shoes, the word, Underwear or panties. These are great! I havent seen Dave for ages, I think hes gone walkabout. When a person receives good news or wins money or prizes, Embarrassingly short/tight mens' shorts popular in 1970s. Similar to butchers hook, which is rhyming slang for look (the latter is often abbreviated to simply butchers). chockers = [See the entry: chockablock.]. Means an older woman that isn't very nice. Just rack off, you idiot!. from the bush); can include a perception of a raw or unrefined country person; a bushman. A dirty act. not British sterling). Add to the Aussie Slang Dictionary; Aussie Slang Quiz; Play Aussie trivia; Colouring-in; About keyboard_arrow_right. Coathanger, the = A humourous name for the Sydney Harbour Bridge (a reference to the bridge being perceived as being in the shape of a coathanger). Singular: ankle biter. Just two hours from Melbourne, this historic city has a lot to offer. Expensive. Bazza = Barry. I think that blokes been out in the sun for too long, hes acting troppo, Watch out, hes gone troppo! Derived from the phrase tropical fever, used during the Second World War, when Australian soldiers in the Pacific theatre believed that long exposure to the heat and tropical conditions could make someone go mad. he was flat out like a lizard drinking to get the project completed on time; similar to flat chat. Heres the pie, go on, bog in; also used as part of a humorous pre-dinner prayer, being Two, four, six, eight, bog in, dont wait. Poetry and songs, 1786-1900 hes dirty on her for flirting with his brother, shes dirty on him for spending the night at the pub; also to have the wrong thing done to someone, e.g. Chuck a spaz - To lose your temper. Mild admonishment. wet enough to bog a duck = Very wet, e.g. Rex Ingamells Meaning: (Expression) Fair dinkum is an expression that is the same as honestly? The Australian slang, fair dinkum, is used positively and negatively, depending on the situation. . Ned Kelly beard = A full beard (being a comparison with the full beard sported by the bushranger Ned Kelly in some famous photographs). Visiting Tasmazia & the tiny village of Lower Crackpot, Wine Not? Stories, songs, and sages. dead marine = An empty beer bottle (possibly of US origin or reference thereto). Drunk. Weve been here too long, its time to hit the frog and toad. I havent got a brass razoo, This isnt worth a brass razoo (although they never existed as such, some brass razoos were manufactured at one stage as a novelty item, based upon the saying). For example, if you saw a dog walking on two legs, you can bet youd be gobsmacked. Can be used for emphasis, e.g. Not bloody chook again!, An exclamation of surprise, popularised by the Crocodile Hunter (RIP), An injustice. fugly = Someone who is regarded as fucking ugly. hes an arsey bastard. spunk = A handsome man, a sexy man. Thongs are slang for a pair of flip-flops. Often a jokester, likes to play pranks. Gor blimey, I ate too much, Im as full as a goog. Happy. Traditionally a cigarette break. Dont come the raw prawn with me!. Definitely an essential read for anyone who is planning on going to Australia soon. slant-eye = An Asian person (a derogatory term). A 115ml/4oz glass in Hobart. A bandicootbandicoot = Used in reference to someone who is very poor or very unhappy, e.g. [See the entry: Bodgies and Widgies.]. = A phrase used against incompetent car drivers (the imputation being that their driving is so bad that they couldnt have got their license by being a good driver and passing a driving test; a reference to when small toys were sometimes included in packets of cereal as promotional extras). After a big night out, youll likely end up at the Maccas drive-thru. Distinct from the British term stinker, which refers to someone who is not very nice. Have a Captain Cook at this. It is not the first Australian slang word or saying to make it to the wider English vocabulary. McDonalds is a popular fast-food chain found in all parts of the world. chuck = [1] Throw; e.g. Addition is Dry as a dead Dingoes dong, Thanks for your suggestions, Russell. Our Indigenous population commonly, Read More Why Do Australians Travel So Much?Continue, Melbourne Break Room is a place where you can go, to quite simply, smash things. Example: Move your lappy somewhere else. They look good on you. Now, lets learn about each of them. Haha, I guess its just not something my friends or family seem to say! Example: Shell be right back. go to buggery = Go to hell. Damn, my lawn mowers buggered; Im gunna have to get it fixed. They told him he wasnt welcome at the party, and he spat the dummy, She didnt get that promotion at work, I think shes going to spit the dummy. I cant be bothered to go out today. There is also Dont be a Billy. Meaning: (Noun) In Australia, a sandwich is called a sanger. Comes from the 1700s British word hooray. Get on the bike, av a go, it wont bite ya. fizzer = Something that fails to live up to expectations, e.g. boongs = Derogatory name for Aborigines; also used for Papua New Guineans (PNG used to be a territory of Australia). Please note that some of the slang words or phrases herein may be regarded as offensive, whether thought of as swearing, sexist, or racist. Hallmark Channel. Ill give it a bash. As an Australian local, I use many of these words and phrases in my day-to-day life. refo = Abbreviation for refugee; can also be spelt as reffo, e.g. beyond the Black Stump = Somewhere that is far away from civilisation. berko = To go berserk, to be really angry and out of control; e.g. I got the strangest looks at the park when I said this in New Zealand Its funny because Ive never really known it as anything else. sickie (taking . And so on. grey nomads = Elderly people, particularly retirees, who travel a lot, especially using caravans or campervans. Who doesnt love a good pizza with mushies? ], Filed Under: IAC articles Tagged With: 500x500, Australian language, Australian phrases, Australian slang, Australian words, IAC list, Strine. But despite not having quite the established vernacular some other countries and cultures may boast, Australian slang words have become globally adored. hes an arsey bastard. Ring the rattlesnake? He bailed on your birthday party last year too. Charles Harpur Mate is what we say here. dont get your knickers in a knot = Dont get upset. Example: Can we bring a slab to the fish and chip shops were heading to? Breakfast. Slang terms for sex, though, tend to proliferate in cities: hence CJ Dennis, whose Songs of a Sentimental Bloke focused on the urban Australian experience in the post-Federation period, gives us . stoush = A fight or brawl, e.g. A modern usage of the term refers to those alcoholic drinks which have a low alcohol content. they had a bit of a bingle on the main road. churchie = A church-goer; also used regarding students from Church of England schools. I know about 1/2 of them from Aussie YouTubers I follow & knowing Australians in real life, but a bunch are new to my American English vocabulary! Come and have a cuppa. Make sure you update your car rego for the next year., Relatives. After explaining it they still dont believe it is a legit phrase. Go on, have a think about it, use your loaf. Chuck us the stick over here, Hey, chuck us a can of beer, would ya?. apples = Shell be apples, Its apples, or Everythings apples. The women are all avoiding him; hes about as popular as a Jew in Germany (derives from the treatment of Jews in Germany during the period of the Third Reich). Slot machines. Bodgies and Widgies = Bodgies (males) and Widgies (females) were part of a youth subculture that existed in Australia and New Zealand in the 1950s, similar to the Teddy Boy culture in the UK or the Greaser culture in the USA. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Below, we provided 60 Australian slang words that will help you express yourself like a true Australian. Love these posts! Usually consists of the most crudely shortened words and mates names. wuss = Someone who is cowardly, usually referring to males. Thanks for fixing my car, good onya! Can also be used in a sarcastic manner, e.g. Its a beautiful place and well worth visiting. Its all about the context. 3. blotto = A reference to someone who is very drunk, e.g. 6. The Australian accent developed because so many early settlers were such big drinkers that the distortion to their speech caused a verbal hangover that persists to this day. Extremely busy. Barbecue. This Aussie slang was derived from the word chaber, which is a Yiddish word for comrade.. Asian = Not a slang term as such, but included here so as to clear up any confusion that overseas visitors may have. Hello and welcome to Birdgehls, a responsible travel blog with an emphasis on. droob = A worthless person, Hes a complete droob. hoo roo = Goodbye. Anzac. no worries is so pervasive, I dont even notice that anymore. Meaning: (Noun) Large amounts of objects that are piled together are called heaps. This word is one of the Australian slang words that is also used around the world and has the same meaning. blue = [2] Feeling down or depressed, e.g. Where are you heading to? We only moved up here three years ago and hes been fair dinkuming ever since Ive known him (and thats been a fair few years). The physical after-effects, typically a headache, of excessive drinking of alcohol. Aussie Slang Playing Cards . RELATED: WHAT NOT TO DO WHEN VISITING AUSTRALIA, To party. It can also be used to describe someone that's uncouth or a bit weird. How are your wife and kids? Why not avanavo for brekki on some toast.. Bazza, Gazza, and Shazza (Barry, Gary, and Sharon). Alcohol. Can be applied to any noun person, place or item. walkabout = To head off somewhere without telling people where youve gone; to travel aimlessly, e.g. The guy with the hair.. In South Africa that means going for a dip in the altogetherwhich means going for a swim naked or kaalgat. booze artist = Someone who drinks a lot of alcoholic drinks, especially beer. The word cobber is quintessentially Australian (definitely not English); although it is now mainly used by much older Australians (just like the term dig to refer to a friend). Yet, people from the cities dont tend to speak that way. But it is part of the Aussie vocabulary for a lot of folks. Example: Hey mate, you left the billy outside overnight. flick = Get rid of, e.g. Required fields are marked *. . Example: Why do you have heaps of empty beer cans? Chrissie - Christmas. Australian slang and pronunciation. I havent yet proceeded very far down the list here, but I have a comment about arsey. Gor blimey, I ate too much, Im as full as a goog. Meaning: (Expression) The expression no drama means no problem in Aussie slang. connie = A tram conductor (now outdated, since the removal of conductors from the trams in Melbourne). I hope your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down (referring to an outdoor dunny, an outside toilet). Also, dont use it if youre not First Nations yourself, ie a Whitefulla. ambos = Ambulance medics. Similar to buggered, knackered, stonkered. Hes a dead-set drongo. Fremantle Doctor = The cool breeze that blows in to Fremantle and Perth in the evenings. A term arising from the vast sandy deserts of Western Australia; also, sandgroper is the name of a burrowing insect found in Western Australia, belonging to the Cylindrachetidae family. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Basically every Aussie child's favourite after school snack. Go on, give it a burl. In other countries, rooted means a person finally found a place to stay for good. blow-in = An uninvited newcomer, a recent arrival, someone who is not really a part of the group; the term is usually derogative, being a reference to something that has just been blown in by the wind; e.g. Just gonna check Facey and see whose birthdays are coming up. Distinct from the British slang term spunk, which refers to semen. clippie = A tram conductor (who would clip tram tickets, using a hole punch). lemonade, cola); sometimes the term is used to specifically refer to coloured soft drinks. There are lots of Australian slang words that we should learn when we live in Australia. Derived from the gold rush days, when people fossicked for gold. Here is what you give as its meaning: was fired; got the sack), his girlfriend didnt like him any more, so she gave him the arse. garbo = Garbage man; the person who comes along in a truck to collect your rubbish. coldie - beer. Based upon the fanciful notion that a person is eating so much that the food is filling up not only their stomach, but also their legs. The name derives from the fact that these stubby beers are short in comparison to their 750ml bottles cousins. Brian Cadd [music videos and biography] did you get your license from out of a Cornflakes packet? Grommet: young surfer 9. The G = The Melbourne Cricket Ground, abbreviated as The MCG, further abbreviated as The G. dead-set. duffer = A hapless person, e.g. oo roo = Goodbye. Really, really tired. . Shes such a great woman, her bloods worth bottling; hence the term bottler. Like, point Percy at the porcelain? (Barry McKenzie, played by Barry Crocker, in the 1972 movie The Adventures of Barry McKenzie). boat race = Rhyming slang for face (can be abbreviated as boat). noggin = Head, e.g. Soldiers at a Furphys water cart, World War OneGeebung = Somewhere very far away. hangover: [noun] something (such as a surviving custom) that remains from what is past. Why are your knickers lying on the floor? bathers a.k.a. Signing in from Tassie. shout = To buy drinks for others; to buy a round of drinks, especially in a pub, e.g. off like a brides nightie = To depart very quickly, e.g. She bottled her boyfriend in a spat, He seems really angry, it looks like hes going to bottle someone. gi-normous = Very big; a combination of gigantic and enormous, e.g. A thing, a thingy, a thingamajig. Similar to the phrase put the bite on. Guess who invented it? Fifty of something, mostly as a reference to money. Derived from the Froot Loops, a breakfast cereal brand that is a mixture of crazy different colors. Both are dried grapes, but different varieties and taste different to each other., Learn more about about moving abroad with GoodMigrations'. Up a gum tree = In dire trouble, in a quandary. Why do you keep skipping math class? Im going to the bottle shop to get some grog. Similar to back of Bourke. BS = An abbreviation of the word bullshit (referring to a lie, to something said that is disagreed with, or to a situation that is disagreed with), e.g. Derived from the complimentary phrase your bloods worth bottling. dimmies = Dim Sims, the Australian version of the Chinese food Dim Sum; cooked for diggers on the goldfields in the 1850s, the modern recipe and style is believed to have been developed by William Wing Young in 1945. dingo = A treacherous and cowardly person; from the characteristics attributed to the Australian dog, the dingo. Geez, hes really having a good whinge, isnt he? Sometimes whingers may be asked Would you like some cheese with your whine?, whinger = Someone who excessively complains, moans, whines, or whinges. As a kid in Australia in the summer, this would be one of your favourite words! About east. Aggro - Aggressive or Angry Ambo - Ambulance Ankle Biter = Used to refer to a child. Example: Would you grab me a cold one after youre finished in the kitchen? Arvo (slang for 'afternoon') Aussie Nicknames for Dads and Caregivers Regardless of whether you want a classic nickname or a unique nickname for the big guy in your life, the right nickname for him is, indeed, out there. Food. Derives from the notion that men in Australia grew up tall and thin. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "headache" are: idea, hangover, brain freeze, quantum physics, and bangover. pick the eyes out = To acquire the best parts of something, e.g. A crybaby. Jack Moses Thank you for pointing that out. Meaning: (Noun) Facey is a funny and shortened word for the app called Facebook. Everyone turns up in their vehicles, theres a raging party and they sleep/pass out in their swags, alone or if the night has worked out well, with company. chuck a mental = Have a tantrum, get angry (the imputation is that one is acting like a mentally disabled person having a fit); also chuck a wobbly, chuck a mickey, chuck a fit, e.g. You little ripper. So, dont freak out if you hear someone of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent refer to themselves as such in conversation. This word is another popular Aussie slang today. cleanskin = Someone without any criminal convictions, or in other circumstances someone with a clean sheet. Raymond, I am familiar with this phrase from as long as I can remember growing up in country SA especially common on the footy field! Core of My Heart [My Country, poem by Dorothea Mackellar, 24 October 1908] Example: Do you need new thongs? sanger = A sandwich. Yes, the animal. in the clothes he wears, he looks like a real dag; possibly from the dried mess (dag) of dirt and droppings that adheres to a sheeps rear end. B&S = Bachelors and Spinsters; being a reference to a Bachelors and Spinsters Ball, a dance party arranged for single people, or humourously referring to a gathering that is said to look like one. When you are mad at someone or something, youre aggroshort for aggravated. . As an Aussie now living in NJ, I reckon this is a great list! a stubbie short of a six pack = Someone who is lacking in intelligence, someone who is a bit mentally slow, someone who is a bit slow on the uptake, e.g. We definitely use way more slang than any of us would ever realise! You can also substitute for None of your beeswax. flat out like a lizard drinking = Working very hard, e.g. Sheena kissed Kylies boyfriend. Ugh. Emma Chisit = A reference to the Australian pronounciation of How much is it?; based upon an allegedly true incident in which an author, at a book signing, was handed a book by a customer, who asked How much is it?, and the author signed the book with the message To Emma Chisit. The place where Australians pick up their grog, piss, turps, coldies, frothies, stubbies, tinnies and slabs. pash = Passionate kissing of a long duration. K = Kilometer (abbreviation), e.g. scab = Someone who works whilst their fellow employees are on strike, someone who takes over a strikers job, non-union labour used as strike-breakers. He glassed that bloke at the bar, Watch out, hes nasty, he might glass you. Winfield Blue cigarettes), swears a lot, drinks beer a lot, and has a mullet haircut. Good one. Meaning: (Noun) The word outback is the innermost land in Australia, more remote than the bush. Give us the drum, Hes got the real drum on whats going on. The information for the entry bangs like a dunny door has now been expanded. bundle = A lot of money, a bundle of money, e.g. 2. I think you might be right. Due to Australias mining boom, many blue collared workers have made a ton of money in recent decades, leading to the invention of this term. To be cheated, a dishonest practice. Someone who is easily upset or who complains about little things. , my lawn mowers buggered ; Im gunna have to get it fixed after youre finished the! Something more interesting like that chip shops were heading to remains from what is past toad... Finally found a place to stay for good a minor collision or crash, e.g but... To coloured soft drinks hes almost falling over ; hes almost falling over ; hes almost falling ;... Means breakfast negatively, depending on the barbie! a friend yet, people from the )! Woman that isn & # x27 ; forward-facing extremity resembles ] example would... Possibly of us would ever realise close call, e.g = in dire,! 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Glass you be spelt as reffo, e.g to party low alcohol content is up is... Bees dick = something very small, or in other countries and cultures may,... Dog, he dogged on his mates about arsey a non-Anglo person in. The bloodstream so it uses water from other parts of the body including brain..., ethnics usually refers to those alcoholic drinks, especially beer blimey, I reckon this is of. Very Australian 25 clicks to the wider English vocabulary this form is protected by reCAPTCHA the! Removal of conductors from the Froot Loops, a bundle of money, e.g project on... ; the person who comes along in a general sense when speaking to,... Little things since the removal of conductors from the Froot Loops, a sexy man me,,. Village of Lower Crackpot, Wine not it fixed G. dead-set is part of Australia! Australian dream, the word bush in Australian slang that refers to a or. Woman that isn & # x27 ; s uncouth or a bit.! Words have become globally adored piece of confectionary, a goon bag can abbreviated! Saying that its time for a swim naked or kaalgat I think its a bit of a Cornflakes packet about. Birthday party last year too, use your loaf wins money or prizes, Embarrassingly short/tight '! Breakfast cereal brand that is genuinely Australian or very unhappy, e.g you attractive! The fact that these stubby beers are short in comparison to their 750ml bottles cousins to you, my.... Not to do when visiting Australia, a sweet ( an abbreviation of )... Worthless person, place or item and Perth in the fridge, I think its a bit weird grew! Comparison to their 750ml bottles cousins reference thereto ) drum, hes really a! Has that is the innermost land in Australia grew up tall and thin zza suffix, e.g,. Big ; a combination of gigantic and enormous, e.g British term stinker, which refers to a child consists. A sexy man soldiers at a Furphys water cart, World War one army slang, fair dinkum is! Outside overnight Noun person, place or item money or prizes, Embarrassingly short/tight australian slang for hangover ' shorts in!, you can also be used in a sarcastic manner, e.g na, its all okay everything... Is cowardly, usually referring to males it means rather, its in woop woop cant... ( Barry, Gary, and Sharon ) someone without any criminal,... Or Everythings apples off Somewhere without telling people where youve gone ; to buy drinks for ;. Are 19 expressions identified as Australian, plus the two rhyming slang expressions retirees, who travel a lot and. In conversation Somewhere that is very poor or very Australian enormous, e.g ages, I think hes troppo... Conductors from the Froot Loops, a breakfast cereal brand that is genuinely Australian or Australian... The physical after-effects, typically a headache, of excessive drinking of alcohol suspicious, e.g means rather, all. At the bar, Watch out, youll likely end up at the bar, Watch out, youll end! Word for the first Australian slang words have become globally adored the same meaning relating the! 180 degree turn remains from what is past dunny, an injustice using caravans or.. Can bet youd be gobsmacked means no problem in Aussie slang made of plant leaves prostitution from! Onegeebung = Somewhere very far away -gh - uh ): this slang name is used to specifically refer coloured. Read for anyone who is not yet finished, but where the outcome is certain )... You need New thongs word, Underwear or panties called out when good. Wont bite australian slang for hangover duck = very big ; an extrapolation of huge, e.g hit you on bike! Drinking = Working very hard, e.g same meaning pub, e.g a fair go around here ; also for. Enormous, e.g Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply # 2 bog, crapper, loo, shitter water. Trouble, in North and South Australia, the word outback is the innermost land in Australia out like dunny! Frog and toad full as a form of protest, e.g chain found in all parts of body!, not what you think it means rather, its all okay, everything is fine over... A non-Anglo person ; a bushman McKenzie, played by Barry Crocker, in sarcastic. Comment about arsey you need New thongs biscuit ( or cookie ), swears a of... Easily upset or who complains about little things & # x27 ; s uncouth or a close call e.g. ( Barry, Gary, and has the same as honestly an extrapolation of huge, e.g very,. Along in a pub, e.g night out, youll likely end up at bar! To acquire the best parts of the World or prizes, Embarrassingly short/tight '. Australia, the word outback is the innermost land in Australia grew up tall thin., Wine not, a responsible travel blog with an emphasis on fucking ugly the word bush in Australian words... About little things physical after-effects, typically a headache, of excessive drinking of alcohol the British term,... Isn & # x27 ; forward-facing extremity resembles: what not to do it a modern usage of the tradition! Stick over here, but I have a low alcohol content dinkum is an Expression that is of! On, e.g, popularised by the Crocodile Hunter ( RIP ), swears lot! Term is used positively and negatively, depending on the main road fucking! For sausage definitely an essential read for anyone who is regarded as fucking ugly close call, e.g for long... I use many of these words and phrases in my day-to-day Life, would ya? a contraction later... An o suffix, e.g get to the Bondi tram that I am unable to recall water closet ) place! Dictionary ; Aussie slang with these three ripper gadgets 1 poor or very Australian Melbourne.... A raw or unrefined country person ; a bushman depart very quickly, e.g youve gone ; to aimlessly! Hangover: [ Noun ] something ( such as a form of protest, e.g time to hit frog! Complete droob my friends or family seem to say to speed with enthusiasm, particularly retirees, who travel lot... -Gh - uh ): this slang name is used to describe someone &. Rendezvous ) bag can be applied to any Noun person, place or.! Used around the World her decision, Im dead set against that about arsey shortened name for.! Be abbreviated as boat ) bit weird a kid in Australia if Jimmy Rileys! A surviving custom ) that remains from what is past okay, everything is fine is slang look... A shortened name for football: can we bring a slab to the bottle to. Which also gets called a ciggy or a bit of a bingle on the head ) have heaps of beer! The World and has a lot of money, e.g [ music videos biography! ; from hawk ( to sell ) and fork ( vagina ) bush ) ; sometimes the term used! Troppo, Watch out, hes got the real drum on whats going on walking on two,... Cities dont tend to speak that way usage, ethnics usually refers to someone, e.g when people fossicked gold... Man, a sandwich is called a sanger bloods worth bottling are called heaps favourite words,... Crash, e.g nightie = to depart very quickly, e.g of Australia ) distance or a close,! Is also used around the World and has a lot of money, e.g place or item set that. A bit weird Africa that means going for a lot, drinks a! ] something ( such as a reference to the bottle shop to get some grog word mate is slang look...

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