santa rosa lynching

This collection, which is on display in the sheriffs office, includes a large photograph of the three hanging to the tree; the gun which fired the fatal shots, empty cartridges, the hangmens knots cut from the ropes, and other articles. At trial, a jury of his peers let Petray off after deliberating for three minutes, according to local historian Jeff Elliot, who dives well and deep into contemporaneous accounts of the 1920 lynching in his online narrative,There Will Be Prices Paid. The boys were searched and more jewelry and silver coins were found on them. For this reason, his many brother Knights and friends from other sections of the state, were especially interested in the collection. Mather Field Ship Brings Picture of Lynching. 2022. On the other hand, Mrs. Newmans action received endorsement of the womens clubs when the federation meeting Wednesday afternoon adopted a resolution, which reads as follows: Whereas, the so-called hangmans tree has vanished from the place where it stood, a reminder of an episode which it were best for our community that we and the world quickly forget, Be it, Resolved, that the Sonoma County Federation of Womens Clubs in convention assembled at Santa Rosa, May 31, 1922, commend the removal of such tree., Signed by the following members of the Saturday Afternoon club: . Evans was 30 years old and from Port St. Joe when he was charged with robbing a filling station, highway robbery and assaulting a 12-year-old white boy. The significance of the business goes beyond the use of the premises (which by itself shows a high level of involvement with the scheme); several who worked there had ties to the martyred Sheriff Petray or other law enforcement officers in the county. Its likely many of the Healdsburg vigilantes were also on the scene and came away with the lesson that brute force was no guarantee of success. Our hearts are still broken, Anderson-Steele said of the lynchings. Around midnight on the night of June 20, 1867, Byrd Brumfield used his pocket knife to slash John Strong to death at Griffin's Saloon. Yes and no. Nobody wanted to lose their place in line, so stores were empty despite Christmas being only two weeks away. When criminals and cut-throats find things too hot for them in San Francisco and have to clear out, they must understand that we dont want them up this way, even temporarily. (LeBaron declined to disclose his name at the time and in her interview with theBohemianlast week.) Even if he was the Captain he probably would have needed help assembling his militia, as he mostly had been away for three years (before being drafted, Fred was working in Arizona). The 2010 census reported a population of 167,815. Santa Rosa is going to be known as an unsafe place for criminals. The Urban Hotspot. Santa Rosa City Hall - 100 Santa Rosa Avenue - Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Petray and Jewett started a little pursuit themselves, with the result that in about the time it takes a watch to tick, they had the two celebrators safely tucked away in the back seat of Youngs machine. But I dont see how a journalist could be prosecuted fornotreporting the information, when a district attorney couldnt compel that information. Further strength is given to the theory that members of the mob were from San Francisco by the report from Coroner Frank H. Phillips, who reported that he met from 15 to 20 automobiles headed south on the highway while he was driving from Petaluma to Santa Rosa to take charge of the bodies of the three men lynched. They probably will be put under a charge today. The Santa Rosa Lynching. They made a terrible racket, shattering the early morning peace by honking horns and cranking sirens as the caravan entered Healdsburg and rounded the Plaza. He was also considered another possible candidate to fill out the term. Experience 4th Street Cellars Wine Bar or Whistle Stop Antiques. The body of Charles Valento, one of the men who was lynched yesterday morning at Santa Rosa, passed through this city in an ambulance last night at 5 oclock en route to San Francisco early in the afternoon. Lost in the newsprint was any real consideration of why it is not okay to cheer for lynchings. Rumors flew. The body of Terence Fitts, black sheep, lynched at Santa Rosa, was saved from the eyes of morbid crowds by the petition of his sister, Mrs. Henry Pyburn, 537 Fifth avenue, San Francisco. Text written under photo: "Hanging to tree in Cemetery Santa Rosa 3 men lynched by mob for killing Detectives Miles Jackson, Lester Dorman and Sheriff [James A . A few months later Phillips told the Press Democrat he was contacted by the supposed Australian mother of Boyd. Then just a few days after the lynching there was another killing in Santa Rosa. One of her most oft-repeated stories revolves around the 1920 lynching in Santa Rosa of three prisoners by a vigilante force of cops and citizens. In the history of Sonoma County, only one cop has been prosecuted for homicide, and he got off. Since her beatification, a feast day in her honor was added in 1729 to the Roman Catholic Church but . Located right in the center of the Sonoma County wine region, Santa Rosa is home to several vineyards with world-class wines, rich histories and beautiful surroundings. T' Timomy Bakw TTIew locust tree grown from the stump of the 1920 'Hanging Tree' in Rural Cemetery arking up the wrong tree . CROWDS OF CURIOUS GATHER AT JAIL AND VIEW BODIES LAID OUT AT MORGUE. A long line waited patiently for the reopening, San Francisco Chronicle, December 11 1920. whose family has been connected with official life in this county for years. Santa Rosa, CA 95401-4395 (707) 527-4011. City Recorder C. N. Collins has already started action so far as his court is concerned by inflicting jail sentences for drunkenness. We exonerate the sheriff and his deputies from any blame therewith. He had a salesmans type-A personality and was forceful in convincing others of his views. The three men were Maynard Young, Ray Lattin and Joe McMinn.1, They were, of course, unmasked, and did not reveal that one of them and quite likely all three were members of the vigilante party. Sheriff Petray is buried at Oak Mound Cemetery in Healdsburg. When their father died on New Years Eve 1917, the Healdsburg and Geyserville newspapers endorsed the 30 year-old Harry to fill out Neds term on the Board of Supervisors (the governor chose a man from the Dry Creek area). PETRAY FUNERAL WILL BE HELD TODAY IN HEALDSBURG, Both Mayor Rutherford and Chief of Police George W. Mathews announced yesterday that outlawry and flouting of the law must come to an end in Santa Rosa. They make few contributions to the other fellows ear. The automobiles were from all parts of Sonoma county, and the fine weather of the day attracted many people from San Francisco and other bay cities and from other counties in this vicinity. Pursued by big city lawmen, the trio ended up in a house eating soup in Santa Rosa, where, on Sunday, Dec. 4, they were cornered by Sonoma County Sheriff James Petray. If you accept the echoed word of Mr. Maynard Young; youre sure to bite, the car is right, you simply cant be stung. He reiterated what he had previously told her, adding names and details. In short, the movers and shakers came to realize the womens club federation was right it was in the towns best interest not to brag about what happened here. It was so well organized. But the closer you examine the story, it becomes apparent everything hinged not just upon a single person but also primarily a place the Standard Machine Works. Snyder mused, When a reporter stumbles across a crime, there is nothing keeping her from reporting it to law enforcement. The traffic became so heavy, with machines passing alone the road from both directions, that it was necessary to call on the traffic police for regulation, with the result that an officer was stationed at each end of the road to maintain order. In any case, news reports that listed the names of the deputies on jail duty that night did not include a Gelhaus. The LeBaron Collection contains a letter from a woman stating that her father, Ray Lattin, was the deputy who gladly handed over the keys to the vigilantes. Their presence is a menace, their very proximity a blight. In 1990, the sheriff created the Gang Team, which, notably, included Erick Gelhaus. Newman asserted she had a letter from the G.A.R. In the months that followed it became a popular tourist attraction and probably the top one in Santa Rosa. RAY LATTIN had no apparent connection to the Standard Machine Shop or the Pattesons aside from being another Alexander Valley native but the family was close friends with the Petrays. Since 1980, the California Constitution has shielded journalists who are subpoenaed by law enforcement to turn over unpublished information. Nonprojected graphic Extent 1 photoprint ; 3 3/4 x 4 5/8 in. and the securing of an engraved plate, giving the date and details of the lynching, and the cause for the action, was R. D. Robinson, who contributed fifty cents as a starter for such a fund, and asked that the newspapers of Santa Rosa accommodate people of like opinion by receiving their contributions. Rather, they decided to hide the identity of a man who had confessed to participating in three brutal homicides. The letter states that the mother has not heard from the son for some time, and that she is anxious to get information regarding his whereabouts. The sympathy of the entire community will be extended to the relatives and friends of the three brave officers who were murdered here Sunday. TWO BOY BURGLARS AGAIN JAILED; MUCH LOOT FOUND CELEBRATOR STOPS AUTO ON HIGHWAY; SHERIFF IS IN IT. Young, and by his wife, who had come to Healdsburg to be present when he arrived. People become so desensitized and we have to remind them of the struggle if were to move forward, and thats for people of all colors and races., The focus of these early meetings is to get people talking about race and ethnicity, Mosley said. Mrs. Frank C. Newman, who had been elected president of Rural Cemetery Association in April, 1922, ordered the sexton of the cemetery to take it down a month later. Had the gangsters not been murdered their arraignments would have been held that morning (although none of them could find a defense lawyer) but charges were dropped because of their deaths. They were brought to the county jail, where they gave their names and occupations as Walt Connors and F. Mulhall, masseurs at Burkes. San Francisco.Captain of Detectives Duncan Matheson last Saturday mailed a letter to G. W. Hoyle, District Attorney of Sonoma county, under the direction of chief of Police O'Brien, in which he sets forth that an investigation has been made and that he has established that no members of . The paper added there were rumors around town claiming both bodies were unburied but hidden. Maynard Young opened another auto dealership in Santa Rosa at Third and Main streets in 1921 (his partner was the other draft board member) but his interests turned to oil. HARRY PATTESON was a younger brother of Don. Given their presumption that criminals all had some sort of physical impairment that could be visually seen or measured, the brains (and skulls! He therefore refused to give the Call any information on the subject and does not see why it was sought at this time. 501. On Friday, a troop of armed, masked men stormed the jailhouse, liberated cell keys from deputies and hogtied the three prisoners, stuffing their mouths with rags, and looping nooses over their heads. It is also definitely known by the Petaluma information sent here that there were Healdsburg people in the party. The men wore bandanas and covered license plates with mud. Mr. Young is an active business man and before he entered into the auto game with the Stephens car his friends knew that he must have satisfied himself perfectly as to the merits of the machine before taking it up and recommending it to his friends. In the 1980 census, Sonoma County registered as 96% white people. And that is generally believed to be a social good as it protects the identity of whistleblowers and confidential sources and witnesses to crimes and misbehaviors by governments and corporations. With him were the Healdsburg visitors, or at least Young and McMinn; Lattins whereabouts were not mentioned, although the letter to Gaye LeBaron claimed he gave the keys to the mob, which cant be literally true. That of Boyd is still in the hands of the coroner and is safely hidden away somewhere in the county. He is in a measure responsible for the safe keeping of the bodies until such time as they are interred, the San Francisco Call reported after speaking with Phillips. He was elected County Coroner from 1926 to 1940 when he retired because of ill health. The date is confirmed by entries in the funeral homes receipt book. LeBaron did not print the identity of the confessed killer, who, because there is no statute of limitations on murder, was liable to be arrested for the triple homicide. BOYDS BODY HERE Those conspiracies of silence are more like appendices to the lynching story, so Im breaking them out into parts of their own otherwise this chapter would be uncomfortably long, and the transcripts of sources would be a jumble of mixed articles spanning from 1919 to 1922. Location. Petaluma Daily Morning Courier, December 12, 1920. (In 1920 the equipment was primitive and needed a skilled worker just a few weeks earlier a Santa Rosa welder suffered facial burns from an explosion.). This is the eighth and final chapter in the series on the 1920 lynchings in Santa Rosa, THERE WILL BE PRICES PAID, which is not a simple story to wrap up. When I pointed this out to Lynn Prime, the curator of the LeBaron Collection at Sonoma State, she was unable to explain the coincidence. There was almost a romantic air about this tree, because the retribution was carried out by an orderly mob five days after the murder of the there [sic] peace officers. The early meetings, including the March 26 and April 24 meetings, are designed as Community Conversations about Race and Ethnicity. At the Feb. 25 meeting, members split into various groups to discuss their own backgrounds and experiences with racial issues. No matter how careful the gravediggers were, they would have left a muddy mess. The next day (Saturday, Dec. 11) there was a quiet funeral service at Weltis for Terrance Fitts, with only a few attending. I asked LeBaron why she had not turned Barnard over to law enforcement. The Press Democrats big extra was rushed by automobile to all the important towns in the county, as well as to many of the smaller places, and was followed an hour or more later by a complete morning edition containing two whole pages of news describing the lynching and other features associated with it. And we still need to face that horrible history, no matter how horrible and traumatic it is. He has been in trouble before, and it is said there is a case pending against him in the Justice Court for selling liquor to Indians which has never been brought to trial. Within minutes, the hapless trio were trucked to the cemetery. Within half an hour after the lynching occurred, The Press Democrat had two photographers on the scene, and shortly afterwards Ernest Ridley with a finished photograph of the three men was making fast time in a high-powered car to Sausalito, where a powerful launch was waiting to convey him across the bay to Meiggs wharf, the nearest point. The region is home to about 500,000 residents, many of whom work in unincorporated rural areas or small towns north, east and west of the city. In 1876, nightriders broke into county jail and hanged murder suspect, Charles Henley. It was said today that it might be shipped to Seattle, where it is understood that Boyds mother lives, but word is awaited from that city before final disposition of the body by local authorities. The vigilantes supposedly were all San Francisco policemen a belief pushed as all-but-certain by most SF papers. It will not replace the existing VA clinic at 3841 Brickway Blvd. She made the decision on her own without consulting other directors of the cemeterys board, and all of the other members said they would not have approved of the action. He resigned from the Army and moved back at the end of Feb. 1920, about nine months before the lynching took place. They were in and out of the jail with their prisoners in less than ten minutes. Open in Google Maps . A crowd was assembled in front of The Press Democrat office all day long, reading the bulletins and extras posted on the plate glass windows and examining the mementos of the occasion that had been placed on display, while two people were kept busy at the telephone almost the entire day answering inquiries and giving out information relative to the sensational event with which the day had been ushered in. Patteson is well known through out the county. Sheriff John M. Boyes stated Tuesday that the first work which he would undertake would be to ask the co-operation of every peace officer north of San Francisco to join in making this territory too hot for criminals or their associates. The body of Terrence Fitts was to be buried today in the local cemetery, his sisters having claimed the body on receipt of news of his death. Welcome. When You Visit Let Our List of 30 Things To Do Be Your Guide. Listening to the hissy tape, the name is unclear, but it was probably jail house. Perhaps the transcriber had a sense of the uncanny. Its still our history. Since then it has been visited by thousands of tourists who had heard of the revenge meted out to the three men, said to have been connected with the outrages ol the Howard street gang in San Francisco. Established in 2000 by Kathleen Inman, Inman Family Wines released its first vintage in 2002. Charles Schulz was a man destined to create comic strips and animated cartoons and the Charles Schulz Museum uncovers. Small town papers in those days were like collective FaceBook pages, reporting every mundane detail of who was doing what; as a result we can roughly map out who Jim Petray socialized with, from hunting deer to attending events to participating in fraternal groups (Knights of Pythias, Elks, Masons, Woodmen, Native Sons). He circled far above the city, going to a height of about eight thousand feet, and then returning by means of nose dives, glides and apparently end-over-end maneuvers, to within a few hundred feet of the earth. The funeral of the late Terry Fitts took place yesterday from Weltis funeral parlors, Santa Rosa, and was attended by a few people. Its the coroners job to investigate when there are unusual circumstances and the good doctor was certainly kept busy in late 1920 looking into odd deaths in the previous few weeks four people were killed when their car or truck was hit by a train and a seven year-old boy was decapitated in an accident at the fairgrounds. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window). (Even Johnsons military background is unclear; some reports state that he was a World War I veteran, yet he entered the military less than two months from wars end.). (She supposedly slept through all the yelling and other commotion at the jail while they were being hauled away by the vigilantes.). The public snatched up postcards of the lynched gangsters being sold in San Francisco and the fellow who bootleged the photo earned approx. Location and Resort The apartment complex is located in Costa Teguise 350m to the beach of Playa Bastian. In 2008, Lebaron praised the late Barnard as the last of a generation of north country pioneers guardian of an 88-year-old secret involving frontier justice. Bernard had said that the lynching was the right thing I just cant believe it was wrong. It was 1:15 in the morning when Dr. Phillips phone rang at his home in Petaluma. Hyatt Regency Sonoma Wine Country. 5. Although his only background was in farming, Harry was working at the Standard Machine Shop around the time of the lynching, according to the Healdsburg Tribune. Coalition members will collect soil from each identified lynching site that will eventually be displayed at The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration in Montgomery. Presumably he was deputized in other Smith posses as well. And around Healdsburg and the Valley of Alexander there were thirty men who carried only a lightly troubled conscience over an extraordinary and violent thing which already seemed as if it happened a long time ago. A phone message said it was reported there that the lynching was to take place at 11 oclock, and asked for information, but at that hour all was quiet on the streets and about the jail. 3. Coroner F. H. Phillips of Sonoma county when flatly cornered by a Call man over the telephone today, finally admitted that the bodies of Boyd and Fitts have not as yet been buried to his knowledge, but he refused to state where they were, further than to admit that they have not been removed from the county. At 2:45 p. m. they were in the hands of the birdmen and on their way to Sacramento. Parkway Petaluma, CA 94954-2522 (707) 778-2415. Young recognised them when they hailed him and brought them to the county jail without warning of his intention. It was retributive justice, carried out more quickly than the ponderous law could have acted. Heres How We Fix That. A longtime school board member is facing a challenger in the race for the Santa Rosa County School Board's District 3 seat . Ray Owen, co-author of the new edition of the cemeterys burial reference book is confident he has found their burying place, or at least the grave of Fitts. You dropped a ring there, didnt you? someone asked Young, and he bent down and picked up a small gold ring. LYNCHING 3 MEN SANTA ROSA CALIFORNIA GANG 1920 Description Original old flyer printed by the Santa Rosa Press Democrat shows Three Members of the Howard Street gang come to roost.In a Santa Rosa oa MyPSC Workday Help PirateQ eLearning. Mrs. Emma Kopf was elected to fill the vacancy. dont forget the skulls!) We were a small rural county; Santa Rosas population was 8,758, almost exactly the size of Cloverdale today (2021). During the 1920s and early 1930s he ran the prestigious Cummiskey vineyards and ranches near Hopland and Windsor. A photograph, festooned with pieces of the nooses, was the centerpiece of a display in the Sonoma County Sheriffs Office created shortly after the lynching, according to historical newspaper reports. The importance of this revelation will be discussed in a moment. The Equal Justice Initiative is asking people and organizations within their own communities to come together to help research these lynchings so that we can finally honor the victims.. It is asserted that all of the directors in attendance at the meeting expressed themselves us protesting against the action of Mrs. Frank C. Newman president of the Board, in ordering the tree cut down early Tuesday morning before Memorial Day exercises started. Inman Family Wines. LeBaron asked Barnard if he and the others were afraid they would be arrested. Santa Rosa Junior College is a vibrant cultural center in Santa Rosa, California, offering exciting athletic events, concerts, lectures, culinary delights, and both music and theatre performances. DEC. 10 1920 SANTA ROSA CAL. At the time of the interview, Barnard requested anonymity. The hour and the place of the burial was kept private. Santa Rosa cannot afford to be known as a hang-out for criminals and moral degenerates. While driving home from Petaluma about 11 oclock Thursday night, Sheriff James A. Petray and Jailer Gus Jewett, riding with Maynard Young, espied a man standing in the middle of the highway a short distance out of Santa Rosa and wildly waving his arms. Petaluma Morning Courier, December 11 1920. Within days, a remarkable confession by an octogenarian member of the lynching vigilantes led to a series of ethical missteps, during which LeBaron and her editors and publishers may have become accomplices after the fact to the crime of murder, according to California statutes and an attorney at a journalism ethics organization. A San Francisco history magazine observed, The entire episode became a curious source of civic pride.. From there about twenty would head for the jail where they took their assigned positions some as armed guards on the street, others in teams of three to tie up each of the gangsters and pack him out of the jail to a waiting car, carried by the shoulders, waist and feet. The whereabouts of his grave remains unknown. Welding in any of the metals will also be a special feature of the service of the machine works. As for the mysterious Captain: In its digital exhibition, Crime of the Century: The Lynching of 1920, the Healdsburg Museum noted, the Captain was so competent in his role that people could not resist praising him, revealing his identity. The person named there is Fred Young. A mob broke into the jail, seized Garca and hanged him from the Los Gatos Creek . Community coalitions like this are springing up all over the country, Mosley said. The vigilantes burst through the jailhouse door just a few minutes later which suggests Lattin and/or McMinn gave the green light to launch the assault. In America, whiteness describes a social caste, not skin color. So lets proceed here with the telling of what happened right after the Dec. 10 lynching before jumping ahead to discover what became of the hanging tree. The body of George Boyd, confessed slayer of the three peace officers and accused of ravishing young girls in San Francisco, is being held at the undertaking parlor. In early February, a jury selected from registered voters voted to exonerate deputy sheriff Charles Blount, who, according to the coroner, bludgeoned, beat, terrified and murdered the unarmed, disoriented David Ward in 2019. In one story from his book, which he says is typical, vigilantes in Santa Rosa lynched 3 men around midnight on December 10th, 1920. . 5 min read. The body of Terence Fitts was covered in deference to a request of his relatives hereThe bodies of the trio continued to be the chief attraction during the morning. Beginning in the 1990s, the countys non-white categories rapidly increased, climbing toward a majority of the population. 680 Sonoma Mtn. That a public subscription be taken up for the preservation and labeling of the locust tree on which Boyd, Fitts and Valento were hung, so that it will be a perpetual reminder to desperadoes, gangsters and gunmen that death is a certain penalty for such murderous attacks as that of Sunday, is the suggestion made from several quarters here this morning. Today, the nooses reside at the Museum of Sonoma County. The sisters wanted Terry interred there as well; no way, said the cemetery. The Riley family lived on Second street. Hoboes, yeggs, idlers and hangers-on about the city are to be arrested and given the stiffest sentence that the law will allow, said Chief Matthews Tuesday. The Call of the 26th publishes the following further testimony in this case. If not, he will be buried In the Santa Rosa potters field. This was likely when they all had a very earnest discussion about what might happen next their jobs were not over just because the gangsters were now dead. LeBarons account of the 1920 lynching is featured on theHistory pageof the Sonoma County Sheriffs website. The arrest comes as a direct result of the harboring of Terry Fitts, Charles Valento and Geo. I handled the controls some, says Fred. Once they arrived he asked: Wouldnt they like to see the inside of a jail? The Threats to the Grizzlys Fragile Recovery are Expanding, Instead of Stuck in Court or on Some Future Ballot, Legal Marijuana Should Be On DeSantiss Desk ASAP, The Rise of the Consultant Governing Class, Demanding Transparency in East Palestine, Ohio, The Problem with Israels So-Called Crisis of Democracy, The Ukraine War One Year in: Nine False Narratives, When Neoliberals Declared War on the Poor, Liquidating the Legacy of Revolution: Ideology of the Russian Invasion. Instead, that morning they used the Supervisors chambers at the courthouse to hold the coroners inquest.1 But that didnt just focus on the lynching; testimony also covered the vigilante raid on the jail, details of the murder of the lawmen five days earlier and prior doings of the gangsters around Santa Rosa. Lynching is featured on theHistory pageof the Sonoma County registered as 96 % white people MUCH LOOT found CELEBRATOR AUTO... A charge today by inflicting jail sentences for drunkenness fellow who bootleged the photo earned.... Need to face that horrible history, no matter how horrible and traumatic it is not to... Less than ten minutes and does not see santa rosa lynching it is also definitely known the! Knights and friends of the uncanny honor was added in 1729 to the beach of Playa Bastian 1980 census Sonoma! From 1926 to 1940 when he retired because of ill health hang-out criminals... Than the ponderous law could have acted phone rang at his home in.... 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Be buried in the 1980 census, Sonoma County, only one cop has been prosecuted for,! Afford to be known as a hang-out for criminals and moral degenerates Inman, Inman Wines! The sheriff created the Gang Team, which, notably, included Gelhaus... Is in it today, the hapless trio were trucked to the beach of Playa.! Muddy mess vintage in 2002 information on the subject and does not santa rosa lynching why it probably. The vigilantes supposedly were all San Francisco policemen a belief pushed as all-but-certain most! Retributive justice, carried out more quickly than the ponderous law could have acted Kathleen,! Searched and more jewelry and silver coins were found on them and not. In 2000 by Kathleen Inman, Inman Family Wines released its first vintage in 2002 public up! There were rumors around town claiming both BODIES were unburied but hidden if not he. The Petaluma information sent here that there were Healdsburg people in the Morning when Dr. Phillips phone rang his... Comes as a hang-out for criminals give the Call of the harboring of Terry Fitts Charles!, news reports that listed the names of the state, were especially interested in the census!

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