April 3, 2023 Board of Commissioners Starts: 6:30 pm Ends: April 3, 2023 - 7:00 pm More details. Ron Yeager, 82 James Lee Drive, Hamilton Township supervisor . Site Map
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View Carrie Yeager's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. ---- Place an Ad
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Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court If the candidate receives more yes votes than no votes, he or she is successfully retained. This applies to all judges except magisterial district judges, who are always elected in partisan elections.[6][7]. CIVIL COURT SCHEDULE. S. Michael Yeager is a judge for the Butler County Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania. The Knight Times Copyright 2023 FLEX WordPress Theme by SNO Log in. Click here if you wish to opt out and view the full site. Rossi pleaded no contest to aggravated assault after a jury deadlocked in his trial for attempted homicide.
Because of this minimal information that students have and since I definitely need to get smarter, I interviewed Dr. S Michael Yeager, Butler County Court of Common Pleas Judge. var BadCount = 0;
Butler - District 50 Thomas J Doerr NOT RUNNING S Michael Yeager 12/18/20 Carbon - District 56 Joseph J Matika 12/29/20 Roger N Nanovic 12/15/20 Centre - District 49 Jonathan D Grine 12/14/20 Chester - District 15 . A former Butler County district attorney and then an assistant U.S. attorney in the 1970s, Lindsay has captured notoriety in his private practice defending accused wife-beater, the Rev.
Butler County 50: President Judge Honorable S. Michael Yeager . //-->.
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Then, in 1981, he became a trust officer for U.S. Bank. Site last updated: Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Crash involving school bus reported on Route 228, BC3 student uses camper to avoid 4-hour commute. PRESIDENT JUDGE S. MICHAEL YEAGER - COURTROOM #3. The jury awarded $8.78 million to Todd Wogan and his wife, Beverly, of Butler after a three-week jury trial in Butler County Court of Common Pleas. Spaight elected to long-held county judgeship; succeeds Yerman, judge since 1993 Court of Common Pleas of Butler County PA Court of Common Pleas of Butler County Other Courts in Butler County: Butler District Court ; Butler Magistrate ; Chicora Magistrate ; Cranberry Township Magistrate ; Evans City Magistrate ; Saxonburg Magistrate ; Slippery Rock Magistrate "/pjournal/","/pensjournal/","/cjournal/","/ssjournal/",
Pinnacle failed to notify Judge Kwidis that Judge Yeager (Butler County) had already denied a sale of Zach's settlement for the purpose of paying his father's mortgage. If the parties have an issue or disagreement which they believe can be resolved by a phone conference, or a short personal conference and they all agree to proceed in that fashion, the Court will do its best to accommodate the parties. I am also responsible for all matters emanate from Orphans Court, with the exception of adoptions. Though the state holds partisan elections, most candidates cross-file with the major political parties. Flaherty, the county's former chief public defender, is taking over magisterial district court 50-3-04, which covers Cranberry Township and the surrounding southwest region of the county. Former district judge Wayne Seibel did not seek reelection to the position. INCUMBENT JUDGES ELIGIBLE FOR RETENTION IN 1999 Roger Jaeger is a seventh-grade teacher at Logan Fontenelle Middle School in Bellevue. When asked the reason for the surprising results, he said, "I have no idea." Joseph Ressler/Butler Eagle 1/3/22, Common Pleas Court Judge Dr. S. Michael Yeager swears in Sheriff Michael T. Slupe during the Butler County inauguration ceremonies at the Butler County Courthouse in Butler, Pa. on Monday, Jan. 3, 2022. Elk County. Location: Butler Township Municipal Building, 290 S Duffy Rd, Butler, PA 16001, USA More details. Butler County Judicial Center 201 W Pine, Suite 101. She was elected to the bench on November 3, 2020, filling a vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. ---- Neighborhoods
Apply today! ---- Legal Notices
JUDGE OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS - PHILADELPHIA. Yeager, Bita "Marie" Dist. Meet the Butler County Common Pleas Judges . "

Yeager eyes county judgeship: 'This was the right time' Lisa Yeager is ready to take her knowledge as a local prosecutor and private attorney to the bench of a Citrus County courtroom. Joseph Ressler/Butler Eagle 1/3/22, Newly-elected Magisterial District Judge Kevin J. Flaherty raises an Irish gavel given to him by Common Pleas Court Judge Kelley T.D. OPEN NOW. He also has been rumored to be in line for a federal judgeship. Q: What was your profession before you were a Judge? if(ThisURL.indexOf(BadArray[i]) > 0)
Butler County Court of Common Pleas; Butler County Government Center P.O. will be able to access it on trellis. Though the state holds partisan elections, most candidates cross-file with the major political parties.
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District Court Judge Department 1 Bita "Marie" Yeager Start Time for the video: 2:25min District Court Judge Department 2 Richard Frank Scotti (ENDORSED) . Authentication Fee - A minimum fee of $3.00 per packet for authentication. After a judge has won an initial partisan election, subsequent terms are attained through retention elections. Dedree "Dee" Butler Start Time for the video: 30:00 . McMillin, 48, of Zelienople, has often tangled with other row officers and department heads over issues ranging from bidding practices to auditing. Marc Fogel, a 1980 Butler Senior High School graduate, was detained in R An Elk County resident who stays in a 28-foot-long camper near the Butler County Community Colleges main campus to avoi View the Butler Eagles PDF version of Senior Lifestyles, click here. Judge Yeager denied the first petition and held that the sale was not in Zach's best interest [Butler County Case No. NOTE: It is the . .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} Dist. ---- Consumer Rates
Based on unofficial counts in yesterday's Democratic primary, S. Michael Yeager of Butler Township won both the Democratic and Republican nominations over the well-known lawyer Alexander H. Lindsay Jr. of Buffalo. Lindsay, 55, had been the oddsmakers' favorite from the get-go. A solo practitioner in Butler, he said his practice has run the gamut from municipal to criminal law. Courtroom # 3. . ---- Golf
Court of Appeals Judge 3. Butler County Added to PA Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Zone. Senior Judge Thomas M. Piccione of Lawrence County administered the oath of office. The people of Pennsylvania are also served by a Superior Court and a Commonwealth Court. Township solicitor Michael Gallagher, who filed an injunction petition on behalf of three township supervisors opposing the referendum, said the referendum must be struck down because it violates the state constitution by removing three supervisors from office Ed Latuska, Philip Wulff and Ken Frenchak before the end of their appointed terms and without cause or due process. Because you are viewing this site from a location address that appears to be covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA"), many of the features of TribLIVE.com -- like videos and social media elements -- are disabled. He was the son of John David and Trudy Ann Madar Fawcett of Summersville and was born at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . To learn more about judicial selection in Pennsylvania, click here. Johnny Butler was appointed to the court in 2008 to fill a vacancy. Butler County Common Pleas Court President Judge S. Michael Yeager is beginning his second, and possibly last, 10-year term in office.
Despite his squabbles with other officials, McMillin has carved out a reputation as a watchdog. I'm humbled that Butler's citizens chose me, he said.After the judges were sworn in, President Judge S. Michael Yeager administered the oath of office to Lotz, who is beginning her eighth term in office; Slupe, who began his fourth term; Young, who began his sixth term; and Holland, who is starting his third term.May you all have long, illustrious careers, Yeager said to the officials at the conclusion of the ceremony.Yeager, who presided over the ceremony, also announced that recently retired Common Pleas Court Judge William R. Shaffer is now a senior judge. . Honorable Michael F Marmo. have state residence for at least one year; be a district resident for at least one year (for common pleas judges). MIDDLESEX TWP Butler County Judge Michael Yeager has dismissed the appeal from a group of residents and two environmental groups to a ruling by the Middlesex Township Zoning Hearing Board that upho. SENIOR JUDGE ROBERT G. YEATTS - COURTROOM #7 Former public defender and would be good as judge. Contact Us Physical Address 100 N Main Street Standard Operating Procedures Jury Duty Payments Local Rules Emergency Orders Forms Docket Lookup Contact The Courts Bucks County Justice Center 100 North Main Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Phone (toll free): 1-888-942-6528 Phone: 215-348-6000 Email Us Court of Common Pleas Page After graduating from law school, Yeager began his legal career as an attorney at Jay Paul Kahle. He worked in that capacity for the next year, eventually leaving to join Hacker & Pohl in 1980. He had been nominated Dec. 22 to fill the unexpired term of Senior Judge Martin J. O'Brien who retired last year. Attorney Deanna Istik of Gilliland Vanasdale Sinatra Law Office made a filing last week on behalf of Donald Crawford requesting compensation he claims he is owed . Bita "Marie" Yeager. If a candidate wins both the Republican and Democratic primary, he or she runs unopposed in the general election. BadCount++;
If you would like to help our coverage scope grow, consider donating to Ballotpedia.
---- Opinion
Despite his squabbles with other officials, McMillin has carved out a reputation as a watchdog. document.write("
" +
He was elected president of the Pennsylvania State Association of County Controllers. ---- University of Pittsburgh
if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; .courts-container { background-color:#fcfcfc; width:100%; border:1px solid black;padding:5px;text-align:center;clear:both; } Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab, Butler County Court of Common Pleas, Department Courtroom 3, Bachelor's degree, University of Pittsburgh - 1975, You will lose the information in your envelope, Newcomer Yeager Stuns Lindsay, Takes Common Pleas Court Seat.
Villani ended up in a three-way race with Bita "Marie" Yeager and Steve Smith. ---- Announcements
He then completed a J.D. Communications with the Court concerning pending matters should either be by formal pleadings (petitions and motions) or if all parties and counsel agree the Court will accept correspondence or a phone conference. The new supervisors would take office in January 2014. Judge William C. Robinson. Tuesday, May 08, 2001. 27 July 19, 2019 No. ---- Lifestyle
Lindsay, 55, had been the oddsmakers' favorite from the get-go. I am looking forward to it with great anticipation.. Butler County Court of Common Pleas Judge S. Michael Yeager on Nov. 20 affirmed the Middlesex Township Zoning Hearing Board's decision allowing the ordinance to stand, dismissing the case. document.write("Copyright © 1997-" + ThisYear + " PG Publishing.
Supreme Court Justice Kristina Pickering . S. Michael Yeager is a judge for the Butler County Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania. Help
Neither counsel nor unrepresented parties shall communicate with Judge Yeager's Chambers unless they have first communicated with opposing counsel/unrepresented parties and confirmed that they intend to contact the Court. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population as well as mayoral, city council, and district attorney election coverage in state capitals outside of the 100 largest cities. McMillin, 48, of Zelienople, has often tangled with other row officers and department heads over issues ranging from bidding practices to auditing. I want to do a great job for our community. I'm looking forward to serving the citizens of Cranberry and the citizens of Butler County.He said he is looking forward to working with Nash, Marcinkiewicz and Fullerton.Flaherty also said he believes Charles Nedz will do a good job as the county's new chief public defender. FC 16-90741-A PFA Hearing. 9 AM-9:15 AM.
In a statement Wednesday, Gmoser said, "No settlement offer was . Pennsylvania Superior Court
Richard Rossi; and Brentwood police officer John Vojtas, accused with other officers of causing the death of black motorist Jonny Gammage. f. In December 2012, when Zach was 10 years old, Pinnacle asked Judge Yeager (Butler in order to pay his father's mortgage. Attorney Michael English, appearing for the county elections bureau, characterized the injunction as a dispute between warring factions in the municipality and said the countys only interest in the matter is seeing it resolved before Feb. 11 so the county may have an election in a timely and orderly fashion.. f. In December 2012, when Zach was 10 years old, Pinnacle asked Judge Yeager (Butler in order to pay his father's mortgage. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. ---- Mortgage Rates
The petitions may be circulated and submitted beginning Feb. 19. The Hon. When asked the reason for the surprising results, he said, "I have no idea.". Q: What advice would you give to students that want to go into law? Tipstaff: Court Reporter: NO SHEDULE . 2527 Fax (724) 662-5319 Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion.
The judges of the Butler County Court of Common Pleas include: Pennsylvania is one of 43 states that hold elections for judicial positions. Sports
A: Impartial dispute resolution whereby I have no role in advocating on behalf of any party. SENIOR JUDGE WILLIAM R. SHAFFER - COURTROOM #7 William R. Shaffer is a judge on the Butler County Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania. Butler, PA16003 Phone: : 724-285-4731 Court Administration Americans with Disabilities Act Consumer Credit & Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Court Case Schedules Interpreter Services Transcripts Criminal Justice Advisory Board Clerk of Courts District Attorney District Judges District 50-1-01 District 50-3-01 District 50-3-02 District 50-3-03 I am honored and humbled to have the confidence of the people of Butler County, Kubit said after the ceremony. If you disable cookies, this site will not work properly. Special Reports
Streib after he took the oath of office Monday during the Butler County inauguration ceremony at the Butler County Courthouse.Photography by Joseph Ressler/Butler Eagle, Controller Benjamin A. Holland walks back to his seat with his sons Jackson, 4, and Sam, 2, after taking the oath of office during the Butler County inauguration ceremonies at the Butler County Courthouse in Butler, Pa. on Monday, Jan. 3, 2022. Feb. 11 is when nomination petitions become available for the May 21 primary. .courts-container hr {background-color:#f0a236;padding-bottom:2px;}, Third Circuit Court of Appeals U.S. District Court: Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Middle District of Pennsylvania, Western District of Pennsylvania U.S. Bankruptcy Court: Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Middle District of Pennsylvania, Western District of Pennsylvania, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Terms of UsePrivacy Policy. I don't know what to say," Lindsay said. Daily Court Calendars . . The Judge's staff screens correspondence and does not present letters to the Court which are ex parte, inappropriate communications. . Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Also, prepare for the dreaded STUDENT LOANS. One judge recuses self, case reassigned to another Lawyers for a defendant in a lawsuit questioned in a court filing whether they could receive impartial treatment from Butler County's judges. 2002 when they met at a class held for judges in state college are ex parte, inappropriate.! Steve Smith three Democratic nominees and three Republican nominees the retirement of the County. County Judicial Center 201 W Pine, Suite 101, 2023 - 7:00 pm More details Dee & ;! By our professional staff of editors, writers, and possibly last, term... To aggravated assault after a jury deadlocked in his trial for attempted homicide, 10-year in! With the major political parties? story= '' + ThisURL + `` PG Publishing with! 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