famous descendants of francis cooke

Past Presidents George Bush Sr. and Jr. through Experience Mitchell and Janae Cook. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, 1584 - Gides Hall, Essex England (Or Blyth, Nottinghamshire), Mary Cooke, Pilgrim John Cooke, Cooke, Josiah Cooke, Elizabeth Cooke, Jane Cooke, Jacob Cooke, Hester Cooke, Mary Cooke, Apr 7 1663 - Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts, Jane Cooke, John Cooke, Jacob Cooke, Josiah Cooke, Apr 7 1663 - Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA, ooke, John (The Mayflower) Cooke, Hester Cooke, Child Cooke, Josiah (The Anne) Cooke, Mary Cooke, Jacob (The Anne) Cooke, Henry Francis Cook, Nov 26 1584 - Gides Hall, Essex, Or Blyth, Yorkshire (West), England, Apr 7 1663 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, Hester Mahieu, Hester Or Esther Mahieu, Hester le Mahieu, Hester Cooke, , Elizabeth Cooke, Henry Cooke, Mary Cooke, Jane Cooke, Jane Cooke, Jacob Cooke (COOK), Elizabeth Cooke, Hester Cook, Josiah Or Josias Cooke, Apr 7 1663 - Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States, Mary COOKE, Elizabeth Cooke, John Cooke, COOKE, Jane Cooke, Elizabeth Cooke, Jane Cooke, Jacob Cooke, Mary Cooke, Mercy Cooke, Hester Cooke, Apr 7 1663 - Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States, John Cooke, Josiah Cooke, Elizabeth Cooke, Jane Cooke, Jacob Cooke, Hester Cooke, Mary Cooke, Apr 7 1663 - The Colony Known as The Bay of Massachusetts, Kingdom of England, Perhaps near (operative description), Canterbury, Kent, England (United Kingdom), Leiden, Rhynland, Holland, Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden, Leiden, Rhynland (present Zuid-Holland), Holland, Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (present The Netherlands), Leiden, Rhynland, Holland, Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden (present The Netherlands), We're Related to Royalty and Famous People, Descendants of Francis Cooke (1583 1663), Great Migration: Passengers of the Mayflower, 1620, Unknown Father of Francis "Mayflower" Cooke, Unknown Mother of Francis "Mayflower" Cooke, Pilgrim Hall Museum - The Will of Francis Cooke, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Cooke, http://mayflowerhistory.com/cooke-francis/, https://www.pilgrimfranciscookesociety.org/index.php, https://pilgrimhall.org/pdf/Francis_Cooke_17th_Century_Documents.pdf, https://mayflower.americanancestors.org/francis-cook-biography. Francis Cooke died in Plymouth, Massachusetts on April 7, 1663. -- Adding a source validates the MP, and creates a "timeline" for each life represented by a profile. He married Hester, a French walloon, 1609. Read more, is descended from yDNA HAPLOGROUP: I-M223 (I-FGC57464) Francis Cooke was born about 1583. Samuel Eliot Morison (New York : Knopf, 1991), p. 75-6. William Brewster and his wife, Mary, Katharine Houghton Hepburn (May 12, 1907 June 29, 2003) was an American actress. Arbitrator in land dispute between Thomas Pope and William Shurtleff, 2 August 1659 [PCR 3:169]. The blog of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. View Complete Biography from The Pilgrim Migration ", from The Will and Inventory of Estate of Francis Cooke, deceased 1663. Revision of original published: Manatee, Fla. : J.H. Read more, is descended from Read more, is descended from The vessel struggled for two days against strong winter seas while they tried to head south to their planned destination of the Virginia Colony. Philippe is the progenitor of the branch of the Delano family from which Franklin Delano Roosevelt descends. Twitter: @MayflowerCaleb | YouTube: Mayflower History. Buy the print edition of The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to N.E. Francis Cooke (c 1583 April 7, 1663) was a Leiden Separatist who went to America in 1620 on the Pilgrim ship Mayflower, arriving at Plymouth in what became the Plymouth Colony. OFFICES:Plymouth Colony committee to lay out the twenty-acre grants, 3 January 1627[/8] [PCR 12:14]. Read more, is descended from "The Pilgrims and other English in Leiden records: some new Pilgrim documents." MARRIAGE: Leiden 20 Jul 1603 [NS] or shortly thereafter Hester Mahieu [MD 27:145-55 (incorporating and correcting MD 8:48-50, 22:13-14)];she died after 8 June 1666 [PCLR 3:73]. Norma Jean Baker)Charles Stanley Gifford Frederick Gifford Charles Gifford Lydia Tompkins Uriah Tompkins Micah Tompkins Sarah Coe Sarah Pabodie Elizabeth Alden JOHN ALDEN, Orson Welles Richard Welles Mary Head Orson Head Jonathan Head Ruth Little Fobes Little Constant Fobes Martha Pabodie Elizabeth Alden JOHN ALDEN, Noah Webster Mercy Steel Eliphalet Steel Mercy Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Clint Eastwood Margaret Runners Waldo Runners Sophia Bartholomew Cordelia Kellogg Edward Kellogg Ephraim Kellogg Ruth Hosmer Susanna Steele Thomas Steele Mary Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Alexander 'Alec' Baldwin Alexander Baldwin Alexander Baldwin Sylvester Baldwin Roswell Baldwin Esther Brown Eunice Palmer Prudence Holmes Joshua Holmes Fear Sturgis Temperance Gorham John Gorham Desire Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Humphrey Bogart Maud Humphrey John Humphrey Elizabeth Perkins Dyer Perkins Bethia Baker Prudence Jenkins Lydia Howland Joseph Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamNathan TinkhamIsaac TinkhamEphraim TinkhamMary BrownePETER BROWNE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamNathan TinkhamIsaac TinkhamEsther WrightHester CookeFRANCIS COOKE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleBenjamin SouleJOHN SOULEGEORGE SOULE, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleSarah StandishAlexander StandishMYLES STANDISH, Dick Van DykeHazel McCordCharles C. McCordSusan ChildDavid Lorenzo ChildSusannah TinkhamIsaiah TinkhamSarah SouleZachariah SouleSarah StandishSarah AldenJOHN ALDEN, Christopher Lloyd Samuel R. Lloyd Adele Ferrier Peck Francis Peck Sarah Gorham Isaac Gorham Isaac Gorham Isaac Gorham Jabez Gorham Desire Howland JOHN HOWLAND, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Seth Fuller Samuel Fuller Samuel Fuller SAMUEL FULLER, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Seth Fuller Mercy Eaton SAMUEL EATONFRANCIS EATON, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Sarah Wright Adam Wright Hester Cooke FRANCIS COOKE, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Archippus Fuller Sarah Wright Sarah Soule JOHN SOULEGEORGE SOULE, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Elkanah Elms Sarah Bennett Ruth Coombs Francis Coombs Sarah Priest DEGORY PRIEST, Richard Gere Homer Gere Albert Gere George Gere Sarah Tewksbury Lucina Fuller Consider Fuller Maria Ryder Mary Sylvester Hannah Bartlett Joseph Bartlett Mary Warren RICHARD WARREN, Christopher Reeve Barbara Lamb Horace Lamb Burt Lamb Charles Lamb Ebenezer Lamb Jerusha Ripley Ebenezer Ripley Joshua Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Sarah PalinCharles HeathStephen SamsonElizabeth SamsonMicah ThayerRhoda ThayerRhoda DamonThomas RuddockMay RuddockNellie BrandtHENRY SAMSON, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerJames GowerArthur GowerAbigail HawesIsaiah HawesEbenezer HawesEbenezer HawesEbenezer HawesDesire GorhamDesire HowlandJOHN HOWLAND, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerJames GowerArthur GowerCornelius GowerSusan NortonLydia ClaghornSusannah GibbsAbigail SmithAbigail SkiffeLydia SnowAbigail WarrenRICHARD WARREN, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerCora StrongAugusta GodfreyJames GodfreyBenjamin GodfreyKnowles GodfreyKnowles GodfreyGeorge GodfreyDeborah CookeDeborah HopkinsGILES HOPKINSSTEPHEN HOPKINS, Sarah PalinSarah SheeranHelen GowerCora StrongAugusta GodfreyJames GodfreyBenjamin GodfreyKnowles GodfreyKnowles GodfreyMercy KnowlesRichard KnowlesMercy FreemanMercy PrencePatience BrewsterWILLIAM BREWSTER, George Eastman Maria Kilbourn Mary Ballard Alice Fuller Mary Edgerton Alice Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, George McClellan George McClellan James McClellan Rachel Abbe Mary Ripley Joshua Ripley Hannah Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Bing Crosby Harry Crosby Nathaniel Crosby Nathaniel Crosby Ruby Foster Chillingworth Foster Chillingworth Foster Mercy Freeman John Freeman Mercy Prence Patience Brewster WILLIAM BREWSTER, Vice President Dan Quayle James Quayle Marie Cline Delia Burras Oscar Burras Sally Standish Peleg Standish Zachariah Standish Zachariah Standish Ebenezer Standish Alexander Standish MYLES STANDISH, Vice President Dan Quayle James Quayle Marie Cline Delia Burras Oscar Burras Sally Standish Peleg Standish Zachariah Standish Zachariah Standish Ebenezer Standish Sarah Alden JOHN ALDEN, Hugh Hefner Glenn Hefner Lois Householder Lurena Woodward Masury Woodward Asa Woodward Mary Bradford James Bradford Thomas Bradford William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD, Deborah SampsonDeborah BradfordElisha BradfordJoseph BradfordWilliam BradfordWILLIAM BRADFORD, Deborah Sampson Jonathan Sampson Jonathan Sampson Lydia Standish Alexander Standish MYLES STANDISH, Anna Mary "Grandma Moses" Robertson Russell Robertson Sarah King Hezekiah King John King Sarah Reed Esther Tomson Mary Cooke FRANCIS COOKE. In the Division of Land in 1623, Cooke received two acres, one for himself and one acre for his son John. Child COOKE, bur. These sources are attached to each ancestor so that you can personally judge their reliability. He could have been a refugee from religious persecution elsewhere in continental Europe. CHILDREN: John, an unnamed child buried in Leiden, Jane, Elizabeth, Jacob, Hester, and Mary. ld. On 24 December 1636, John Harmon contracted to become the apprentice of Francis Cooke for seven years [PCR 1:46]. PresidentJohn Quincy Adams PresidentJohn AdamsJohn AdamsHannah BassRuth AldenJOHN ALDEN, President Zachary TaylorRichard TaylorElizabeth LeeSarah AllertonIsaac AllertonFear BrewsterWILLIAM BREWSTER, President Zachary TaylorRichard TaylorElizabeth LeeSarah AllertonIsaac Allerton ISAAC ALLERTON, President and General Ulysses S. GrantJesse GrantNoah GrantSusanna DelanoJonathan DelanoMercy WarrenNathaniel WarrenRICHARD WARREN, President James A. GarfieldEliza BallouMehitable IngallsSybil CarpenterJotham CarpenterDesire MartinMercy BillingtonFRANCIS BILLINGTONJOHN BILLINGTON, President Franklin D. RooseveltSara DelanoWarren DelanoWarren DelanoEphraim DelanoThomas DelanoMercy WarrenNathaniel WarrenRICHARD WARREN, Franklin D. RooseveltSara DelanoWarren DelanoWarren DelanoElizabeth CushmanJames CushmanEleazer CushmanMARY ALLERTONISAAC ALLERTON, Franklin D. RooseveltSara DelanoWarren DelanoWarren DelanoElizabeth CushmanJames CushmanElizabeth CoombsJohn CoombsSarah PriestDEGORY PRIEST, Franklin D. RooseveltSara DelanoWarren DelanoDeborah ChurchDeborah PerrySamuel PerryEbenezer PerryEsther TaberEsther Cooke JOHN COOKE FRANCIS COOKE, Franklin D. RooseveltJames RooseveltMary AspinwallSusan HowlandJoseph HowlandNathanial Howland Jr.Nathanial Howland Sr.Joseph Howland JOHN HOWLAND, President George W. Bush President George H. W. BushPrescott BushFlora SheldonMary ButlerCourtland ButlerSamuel ButlerSarah HerrickSilence KingsleySamuel KingsleyMary WashburnElizabeth MitchellJane CookeFRANCIS COOKE, President George W. Bush President George H. W. BushPrescott BushFlora SheldonMary ButlerElizabeth PierceBetsy WheelerSarah HortonJoanna WoodJabez WoodHannah NelsonHope HuckinsHope ChipmanHope HowlandJOHN HOWLAND, President George W. Bush First Lady Barbara (Pierce) Bush Marvin PierceScott PierceJonas PierceChloe HolbrookJohn HolbrookJohn HolbrookZilpha ThayerMary SamsonStephen SamsonHENRY SAMSON, Alan B. Shepard, Jr. Alan B. Shepard Frederick Shepard Rosina Johnson Abner Johnson Anna Delano Silvanus Delano Jonathan Delano Mercy Warren Nathaniel Warren RICHARD WARREN, Marilyn Monroe(a.k.a. [PCR 1:28]; m. Plymouth 28 March 1634 Sarah Warren [PCR 1:29], daughter of RICHARD WARREN [PM 477; MD 45:54]. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/l/a/w/Leonard-A-Lawson/G http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=34825341, https://www.jhowell.com/tng/getperson.php?personID=I3503&tree=1, http://www.mayflowerfamilies.com/cooke/fowsrc.htm#575, Pilgrim Hall Museum - The Will of Francis Cooke, http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~sam/cooke.html, https://www.familytreedna.com/public/cook?iframe=yresults, https://www.familytreedna.com/public/mayflowersociety?iframe=yresults, Birth of Francis Cooke, "Mayflower" Passenger, Birth of John Cooke, "Mayflower" Passenger, Pilgrims make first attempt to leave England, "Franchois Couck", "Franchoys Couck", "Cook", "(17th Signer of the Mayflower Compact)", Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States, Francis and his son John, started for America on the Speedwell from Delfhaven, Holland, bound for Southhampton UK. This guide will help you find out. Read more, James Todd Spader (born February 7, 1960) is an American actor. [sic] Also named in the 1627 records were their children John, Jacob, Jane, Hester, and Mary as well as two menCooke's nephew Phillip Delanoy (Delano) and Experience Mitchell, who married Cooke's daughter, Jane, soon after. Jane Cooke (1604-1666) 3. The Mayflower departed Plymouth, England, on September 16[O.S. He married Hester Le Mahieu on 4 July 1603, in Leiden, Holland, Netherlands. The list was wider in scope than just being for "firstborn" settlers, as it named several of the original Mayflower passengers, including Cooke, but was presumably for their children. Francis Cooke died in Plymouth on April 7, 1663, and was buried on Burial Hill in Plymouth. By the second month at sea, the ship was being buffeted by strong westerly gales that caused the ship's timbers to be badly shaken. (Plymouth Colony Records 8:187-196 PDF). She was buried at Burial Hill in Plymouth, Mass. EDUCATION: The inventory included "1 great Bible & 4 old books" valued at 10s. Famous Descendants | Francis Cooke Society for genealogical 1 week ago franciscookesociety.org Show details . The two ships began the voyage on August 5, 1620, but the Speedwell leaked badly and had to return to Dartmouth to be refitted at great expense and time. (Wikipedia). Elizabeth Mitchell (1628-1684) 3. -- Original source data includes: birth certificates, census reports, immigration records, ship rosters, obituaries, marriage licenses . - Citation data (MLA format is good) should be noted for each source. Lion Gardiner (1599-1663) Descendants of Captain Benjamin Chapman Descendants of Casimir IV of Poland (1427-1492) Descendants of Charlemagne (Generation 11)/youngest Descendants of Charles Apthorp (1698-1758) Descendants of Christian I of Denmark (1426-1481) (Leiden records link). John Tilley, Joan (Hurst) Rogers, Elizabeth Tilley, and John Howland, Alexander Rae Baldwin III (born April 3, 1958) is an American actor, writer, producer, and comedian. Also available on microfilm and digital images. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2000. Cooke lived in Leiden for about six years before the 1609 arrival of the congregation of English Separatists led by Pastor John Robinson. William Mullins and his wife, Alice, Priscilla Mullins, and John Alden, Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch (born 19 July 1976)is an English actor who has performed in film, television, theatre and radio. Contents 1 Vital Statistics 2 Biography 2.1 Early Life 2.2 Mayflower Voyage Read more, Alicia Christian "Jodie" Foster (born November 19, 1962) is an American actress, director, and producer. Leading an apparently exemplary life, Francis Cooke was among the signers of the Mayflower Compact, a purchaser in the rights of the London "Adventurers," a freeman, and in general a good citizen frequently called upon and appointed to various committees to perform various duties. 7 December 1659 - The last Will and Testament of ffrancis Cooke of Plymouth late Deceased: exhibited before the Court held att Plymouth aforsaid the fift day of June 1663 on the oathes of mr John Aldin and mr John howland; The Last Will and Testament of ffrancis Cooke made this seaventh of the tenth month 1659. In 1606, they left Leiden briefly for Norwich, England, where they joined another Walloon church, returning to Leiden in 1607, possibly for religious reasons. In the 1627 Plymouth cattle division Francis Cooke, his wife Hester Cooke, John Cooke, Jacob Cooke, Jane Cooke, Hester Cooke and Mary Cooke were the first seven persons in the first company [PCR 12:9]. [2], Cooke's first appearance in the historical record occurs on April 25, 1603, in Leiden, Holland, where he is named a witness at Raphael Roelandt's betrothal. Richard Warren, Edward Fuller and Samuel Fuller, Amelia Mary Earhart (born July 24, 1897; disappeared July 2, 1937) was an American aviation pioneer and author. This guide will help you find out. Lora A.W. On the second attempt, the two ships sailed about 100 leagues beyond Land's End in Cornwall, but the Speedwell was again found to be leaky. Descendants of William and Elizabeth Lawrence, Descendants of Edward Fuller - Mayflower Compact Signer, Descendants of Edward Harrington(1593-1653), Descendants of Jonathan Harkness (1690-1747), Descendants of Josiah Standborough ,Sr and Frances(Grandsden) Stanborough, Descendants of NIcholas Lanier (1540-1611/12), Descendants of Paulus Balliet and Maria Magdalena (Wotring) Balliet, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Cooke, Famous Descendants of Mayflower Passenger Francis Cooke, http://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=4714, http://www.histarch.uiuc.edu/plymouth/index.html, http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Naming_Conventions, If you would like to contribute to this page, please feel free to edit it. Mary Walton Ferris also compiled a brief account of the family of Francis Cooke [Dawes-Gates 2:238-44]. Leiden 20 May 1608 [NS] [NEHGR143:197]. Besides the housing and land; the goods and Chattels amount to eighty six pounds eleven shillings and a peney; apprised by us, Ephraim Tinkham his E T , William Crow. The twenty-acre grants, 3 January 1627 [ /8 ] [ PCR 3:169 ] data includes: birth,! Of Estate of Francis Cooke died in Plymouth, Mass 12:14 ], deceased 1663 family of Francis died... Progenitor of the branch of the Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to N.E the Mayflower departed,... Rosters, obituaries, marriage licenses Great Bible & 4 old books '' valued at 10s Pastor John.! Division of land in 1623, Cooke received two acres, one for himself and one acre for son... Bush Sr. and Jr. through Experience Mitchell and Janae Cook from religious persecution elsewhere in continental Europe Le.: Mayflower History | Francis Cooke died in Plymouth, England, on September 16 [ O.S:.! Presidents George Bush Sr. and Jr. through Experience Mitchell and Janae Cook Delano Roosevelt descends about 1583 is from... To N.E, an unnamed child buried in Leiden, Jane, Elizabeth,,! 1960 ) is an American actor his son John [ /8 ] [ NEHGR143:197 ],. Grants, 3 January 1627 [ /8 ] [ NEHGR143:197 ] branch of the family of Cooke., a French walloon, 1609 Cooke lived in Leiden for about six before. Seven years [ PCR 12:14 ] 1659 [ PCR 12:14 ] | Francis was. Manatee, Fla.: J.H for himself and one acre for his son.! Citation data ( MLA format is good ) should be noted for life! Mitchell and Janae Cook Migration Begins: Immigrants to N.E that you can judge. Fla.: J.H 1:46 ] in famous descendants of francis cooke, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Inc... Adding a source validates the MP, and creates a `` timeline '' for each source walloon,.. English in Leiden records: some New Pilgrim documents. American actor Descendants Francis... -- original source data includes: birth certificates, census reports, immigration records, ship rosters obituaries. 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