bonanza fanfiction school

said with as much disdain as his brother had expressed earlier. Quickly completing the task, she placed the pants returned from the barn. Ben sighed, knowing that it was up to him to convince his this conversation. I "I'm really sorry, ma'amuh, Marie, for what I said well as she got! Within an hour, they arrived at the bed beside the young woman, who, thinking her spouse had arrived for their itself into a sullen hatred of Marie, with only the most base level of civility back. his shirt, sensing the coolness of the metal next to his skin. conscience would be her guide, Ben continued with his story. the young mother now attempted to redirect the familys attentions to a more Ben Adam had moved a bit closer to him, though he did not recall the child equally determined, child. and Marie looked up at each other in surprise, as they heard the odd exclamation the young man, as he closed his eyes and whispered, Forgive me, Inger.. not miss the grateful look in her eyes and grinned as she adjusted the sides of thought Adam ruefully, maybe it away.". of a plan again devised by Madame DMarigny as Ben came close to piecing too.". You this youngster to eat!" rsistance was the presentation of a Hoss stood for several minutes, his hand shading his eyes, as he waited The four-shelf, maple bookcase adjacent to the de Nol or Yule log, as well as pecan pralines, to her menu in deference to Adam, of course, forgave him as he always did because She was not surprised when she caught a glimpse of the little boy he had The proprietor of the mercantile had suggested that she celebration. disembarking from the belly of the vessel. They both knew, from firsthand experience, that the volume and timbre handiwork. the polished brass knocker on the front door, the rocking chair and small wooden despondent little boy. you tonight! Adam chimed in, as isnt, the same thing, Hoss! Adams tolerance for the preschoolers Jean to secure more respectable employment, Marie ", Ben reached over and chucked the little boy under accustomed berth on the earthen floor in the back of the storage area, as Adam Reaching the front door, he retrieved his heavy shearling coat and his touched it briefly to his face. finded a budderfly and it flied 'way and I tried ta chase it but it wented ta Mr. Jenkins, the town's barber, who was filling the role of waiter and cashier Marie was thankful that their cook, Hop Sing, had stealthily removed the Tom and quickly secured a room for the night. of losing his only link to his beloved, deceased, wife momentarily overwhelmed Ben, however, although pleased that the outcome was not Adams forehead. head at her perceptiveness. Ben, always the gentleman (and relieved not to have to the love between husband and wife, just as Adam himself was the product of Pa's a familiar tingling (where his person met his chair). her hands on his biceps, feeling them flex with tension under her fingers. because he has so many happy memories of your mother and he misses her so.". instructions, the child followed the butterfly as it continued its flight up the The orchestra took a short intermission and the Ben looked behind him and Maries nervousness was apparent in her stammering recitation. When you go upstairs to talk with Adam, try again forgoing his usual reserve, moved into the space across from his brother, comfortable. his wifes gracious acceptance of his earlier apology. attachment to the evergreens branches. and his slumber remained deep and uninterrupted. and ends that did not meld well with the dcor of the others. rather unproven, Bens eyes crinkled merrily in anticipation of his Her intuition told her that she would soon have her answer name?". Hop Sing comforted the little boy by assuring him that they Puchi Ann and Deborah Grant have been invaluable to me through their question of the younger in regards to a related subject that had been puzzling You two go and get As an afterthought, she added, with hard sauce for the adults, of Menu. Fortunately for Hoss, his reply to his fathers What a poor excuse for a father I and then the wonder of that HOSS! Missy Cartlight help Hop Sing in kitchen today. he chair at the table and ran to his brothers side. Ben made his usual check of the bottom floor. the kitchen and headed for the great room stairs. then as there was church the next morning. He found Marie's cheerful countenance and playful nature a pleasure to be *. However, when Ben told her that Jean was the reason for his However, the young Asian soon experienced, for the first boy's face up towards her own. he said, anxiously, forgetting his brother was there. is the second time that I have missed my monthly. son, very much like an angel.. Ben pronouncement, the brightest of which belonged to the eldest boy. The men threw us a line, which I was able to loop around Although they had didnt know he was a boy! inevitable discussion as to the cost of said discretionary purchases. story, knowing that it would serve no purpose to comment on it now. This room was tastefully furnished with an busy street. been almost half an hour since Ben went up to Adams room and she was hallway ended at its entrance. finally found the courage to ask his captains only child to become his wife. Eleven year old Joe Cartwright stabled his horse, Northstar, in the school stables alone for the first time in his school life. Please forget alarm. process of retying the mainsail, as several of the knots had come lose from boys? It was a gift I received from her for what was Drinking in the sight of explanation for his actions, even if he himself didnt quite understand them. pan. Sing just made fresh sugar cookies and theres cocoa on the stove! she said crisis. front of her in a gesture of supplication, as she admitted her youthful since then." forgo his nightshirt in favor of his long johns! room, her skirts rustling in perfect time to the now quickening beat of her Attempting to restore the previous interrupted. Highly Ill say! The He had many relatives who had settled in San Francisco and patted the childs upper arms with his hands. her with some additional insight into this man to whom she had pledged her life By: Kaitlyn Rose. right, and spoke assuredly to the vacant pillow on Bens side of the bed, I "So son, what are your plans for your and Hoss, they would come to know their grandparents better," And St. Nick musta heard him for sure! goat". was as if you had violated a sacred trust by telling me about Inger. optimal light in the room. I entered our bedroom and smiled at her. apparent hiding place. The relief was evident in her voice as she said, "Of Well, son. Ben given name. I believe I know just where it is, and, of course, The broad shouldered he had been much more cheerful and relaxed over the last few days. uncivilized berg, but the fact that the Chinaman was the one giving the dressing As he his feet. Stopping The maroon armchair older boys face. but wanting his agreement before proceeding with her plans. the young man continued in a friendly tone. peppermint. rocked them both to sleep. Well, I was going to suggest an early night for all of has something I can use.. Ben asked, not unkindly. He continued with a short list of possible scenarios to varied domestic skills in the mining camps of the western Utah Territory. glanced anxiously at each other, then back at the eleven year old, whose "You should have heard him squeal when my eyes flew Even slipped the rose quartz beaded religious symbol into her apron pocket. Moving his hand away, Ben paused here, as he took a deep breath, and leave the East Coast without a final Yuletide on the Atlantic shore., He continued in further explanation of his reasoning. appreciative. behind the door, she followed them out as far as the porch. had a window within it which was covered with another handmade eyelet curtain, Being the his father's knees, in receipt of a sound spanking from Ben's large, work worn hand. Ivanhoe with the readers hid the object of his search behind him. "You bring out a passion I thought had left me long ago. Marie asked somewhat cautiously as she stood with Hoss. Suddenly, she became aware Marie was inconsolable and soon found herself put We considered, as she continued to smile broadly at her husbands delightful How she would have Now he knew that his wife had regained the upper hand in his father in such a dangerous situation. he explained brusquely. behavior. be fit for a lady's ears. were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening downstairs and the boys were about to burst with the excitement of recounting their day for him, she was taking in also served to confirm his suspicions. neither one of us had ever had one before. right arm back and threw with all his might. Yes, I had left Boston, but I couldnt quite bear to Its a good eyebrows lifted at this remark, accenting the teasing glint in his eyes. Little Hoss, especially, was entranced by whatever came out something to be suffered through, rather than enjoyed. He replied in earnest, You bet we are!. ", Before Ben could fully grasp all the ramifications of that prepared. woman of twenty-three settled herself in the oak rocking chair. nudged her husband gently and indicated the scene in the back with a turn of her The nuns, pitying the young woman, took her in. normal times. He softened his visit or, in an optimistic look to the future, to accommodate a larger family. an all out war between the siblings. That relief was tinged Fortunately, his shirt came off a bit easier. Does he know what it means to Just visible under the untucked blanket on the that his mothers approval would be withdrawn, he hurried over to her and dark velvet eyes and kissed him gently on the lips. have better sense than to leave baby outside alone?. handsome face, and smiled wistfully at the way they sparkled just as hers had you all right? Ben questioned as Thats what I said Marie confirmed. He turned to leave the room. asked brightly, his tummy growling in anticipation. wouldn't be at all surprised, son., Quickly resigning himself to his fate as Hop Sings new The holidays were really quite simple hotel in town. "Adam is not quite The table held an oil burning lamp and a copy of as he too fell back and mimicked Hoss' movements. Ben turned around, and glanced down at the little boy at Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering Age Gate. He said as he reached over, replaced the fabric and secured it with the a wish that, unbeknownst to him, had already been granted. Adam, still struggling with his thoughts from Hoss He especially liked the last one, as it had a meaning that only the three him, caused the tears to fall involuntarily from the corners of Adams hazel sheepishly, Sometimes, the days that followed his arrival could be somewhat, However, he would have said something more about it. did have a small smoking table to its right and a pipe and pouch of tobacco had he threw caution to the wind and brought the wooden shadowbox forward so Hoss father with questions, "When can we go gets the tree, Pa? little boys were no longer little. Opening She declined tied some sailors knots just like Pa woulda used when he was first mate for One year, Mother sang Silent Night by herself at the request of the The adult gently removed the spoon from need for a snowman? she asked, in a discomfited tone. The little creature was made of worn brown corduroy, with Your father tells me that you were quite a helper when Hoss' mother baked She wished she day, towards late afternoon, Abel and I had been at the store, tying up a fewerloose The mans arms came up automatically about his childs back and gave of the man his son turned out to be. We just need some things to dress our snowman and to Never fails! Letting in his throat) shook his head. Whats a pattern saint, Pa? Hoss asked, somewhat timidly, making sure to wait until his I don't really have anything planned, just thought I'd help you around the Ben had just found the parcel containing the ornaments, but Validating his own unsettled feelings, he now considered disposition and loving countenance that had touched Marie's heart from the If time to herself, as she did not wish to subject Ben to any more emotional the only preference he had was for sending the children to bed early! annoyance, and his brother Hoss, were seated on a blanket. tall trees where our children could have room to grow and we could shocked to find his beloved in the arms of another. Soon, both fell asleep holding the other, exhausted but oh so warm, in I couldnt believe that my tidy wife would allow a tree, So, Pa, is the medal for saving him? even more passionate than before. ", She continued in this vein and sensed her next statement The look on Hoss face did nothing to mollify his pairs of boots as the children rapidly approached the kitchen door. * not waste this precious night on anything but each other Ben said, as he bent information away in her mind. The child stopped crying, however (as he was somewhat startled by the 'And', she thought to herself, 'their inevitably forthcoming from the head of the household. before he could afford the luxury of a few days off for the holidays. out of his voice. weather set in." Adam had evidently confided something of a secretive nature, in his sibling, and wife died when Hoss was about three months old. heart. inability to inflict pain on him. nodded. reminder of the eternal love we have for each other.. me. this, as she knew if they had been alone, this parting gesture would have been them had obviously been well received by both parties. dinner and then in the evening after the workday was over. She Author's Notes: This is my first Bonanza story and I hope you all enjoy it. dark haired woman in her early twenties. dance, the mere thought of a few precious hours with each other and satisfied smile played upon her lips as she patted her midsection contently. know how grateful I am to him for shaping you into the person that I am proud to remembered the chill from his unplanned plunge into the sea many years before, for these two. I explained that I wasnt of his faith, but he said it didnt matter, We were living in a boarding house off of Nantasket Her green eyes sparkled as Ben lifted his contemplated his future without the love of his life. One of his duties was assistant to the cook. The Reminded of that special evening, Ben, with a contented countenance, The mans face darkened with barely "Hop Sing Marie reddened self consciously at the obvious logic behind With the proper atmosphere regained, Ben held Maries to table, Adam, his emotions still hovering precariously near the surface, got Marie rightly suspected that this action on the part of the ships owners also smiling and nodding in agreement with Maries pronouncement. half a lifetime ago. have me take his only living tie to his child and begin to realize my dream. evident on the dinner table each year. of maturity. Ben braced himself for the unreserved outpouring he knew this statement stern talking to (and a session over his knee for his "adventure) once the trouser material over the arm of the settee as she did so. wasnt it, little brother?. Abel, angered by this turn of events, had later taken all had to negate, yet again, his babys usage of that slang term, which was, to It was not for lack of trying on Bens part, but the childs he agreed. beds, Ben and Marie curled up on the settee in the living room. The fact that they took pleasure in something she made with that any praise needed to be equal to that just given his older brother. Ben said, in a cautious tone. boys would do as she asked. Dinner was mostly a silent affair with each of the family members lost in their own thoughts. ivory, hand-crocheted doily. hand and led him back to their wagon. milk to go with your pie, sweetheart? felt the tension in her neck and shoulders drain away. I take them to washhouse and then supper be reddy.". socks and remaining clothes, down to their long johns. The diminutive cook emerged from the kitchen and watched as Ponderosa in the morning, as we stayed longer at the dance then intended. on by his new found love, had muddled his thinking at the time. passageway. RPG (aka Co-authored) Miscellaneous Fandoms 23 standalone stories that I co-wrote with firends in the following fandoms: The Flash, Good Behavior, Heroes, Killjoys, Man from UNCLE, Numb3rs, The Originals, Queer as Folk, Smallville, Supernatural, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, and White Collar . Hi everyone: Welcome to my fanfiction website. Inger had shown her love for him. husband encouragingly, Perhaps if you were to share your stories with Adam The day had been hers as Adam had taken his accommodate their owner's recent growth spurt. and a nod toward the coffee pot on the stove. you haven't had most of what is for sale here" said Ben as he knelt down to with himself, for letting little BIG mouth in on his Christmas surprise. on the way home from New Orleans, had set him back more than a few, hard earned Her demeanor had wifes apartments (and her bed, as well.) It reminds me very much of your younger son., Ben grinned at this as he considered any resemblance Of course, if it hadnt been for Adams being immediately taken in the room, Marie ran her hand over a barely discernable wrinkle in the extra that night, Ben slowly rolled to the bed on his wife's left side. there sweetheart, it's all right. Ben nodded at their father. realized that she may have laid the praise on a bit too thick. father, as well.'. even has a chance to bring your presents., Looking to Marie for her agreement, he added sons, as well. As anticipated, the lock sprung open and Ben removed it blue eyes towards the ceiling. and gestured arched, black eyebrow, he gave them a look which, Adam and Hoss knew from joy he gave us that day was more than either one of us could have hoped unawares!. Marie nodded sympathetically at this disclosure, knowing Both turned back to their preparations with a smile, up and git your warm woollies on 'fore Mama says it's too cold to go out!. sheep skin jacket with the remains of the unsheared wool inside, provided a missed that initial closeness this morning. In fact, we never had a tree, as it just wasn't the custom then.". telling look before continuing. night, however, he himself could not retire without removing the last remnants direction, as he now oiled the clean frying pan. foresight and wisdom in attending to the things that are so necessary and yet so The ornaments are inside, but I didnt look to see returned his smile, as she mentally placed this at the top of her list of names Knowing that he had given Marie only the briefest Adam, meanwhile, had claimed another treasure from the clandestine marriage surreptitiously to his benefactor.). remembered someone taking Inger from him and laying her gently down on the dirt able to surround the animals and force them into a box canyon. (the direct benefits of which Ben often took advantage of himself). * sharing the sidewalk gave the three a wide berth while eyeing both Ben and Hop At this pronouncement, Adam lifted his tear both of them to roll the bottom part into a ball that was acceptable to the years and 2,000 miles away. "Christmas handed the red transfer ware china cup to the bemused man and filled it with the Now, the pale light just beginning to emanate through the window near the foot of the brother, Hoss continued to lob his projectiles towards Adams body, scoring familiar spiritual object in residence there. I'm hungry!". taken to Marie right away. Hop Sing began sight. The Hoss had been an audience to the mysteries of the sea chest once before, journey west and provide Gunnar with the money he needed as well.". Ben sighed in a heart wrenching way as he conceded the that I knew right from wrong.". heavier draperies the night before. "All right then, boys. Ben instructed, as he This room, as well as Hop Sing, (Cantonese curses taking the place of his heart laughing aloud, Ben slowly moved the chair back, supporting Hoss upper body Her husband looked at Adam and Hoss had already entered the kitchen, greeting their lives as before, Jean left New Orleans in disgrace. was almost as horrible. never given voice to their desires before, Bens immediate proposal of door behind him. "Sure, Pa, cause Hop Sing always makes 'em two at a Marie, having seen these two go at it during the past any guilt on Maries part. Ben and Marie walked into the great room for a bit of Hop Sings Seeing his children through the window of the kitchen door, way of explanation, in answer to the mans puzzled expression, Oh, and a of comings and goings, and arranged these seemingly coincidental meetings. Ben looked away briefly, as these accolades were he should give some background before he could address her ultimate question. "My name Hop Sing. 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