OL-CBP AIR/MARINE DC DDE-DHS CRSO LSN LCDR JOHN POLEY FORCECOM WEAPONS SYSTEMS BR CH CDR (SEL) DAN KAHN (FR) 2022-04343 Filed 3-1-22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9110-04-P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Coast Guard 33 CFR Part 165 COMDT (CG-R82) RESOURCE MGMT DIV CH-FTS CDR JAROD ROSS (FLT/3YR) Fields such as Job Code and Job Family will narrow COMMUNICATIONS COMMAND CDR RICHARD SLOCUM D11 INTELLIGENCE BR (DRI) CDR (SEL) ELIEZER GONZALEZ (FR) This is the primary method for members to communicate their assignment preferences. MSRT WEST EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR JAMES CAMP BASE KETCHIKAN BASE COMMANDING OFFICER CDR TIMOTHY BOETTNER COMDT (CG-7111) AVIATION RESOURCES CH CDR (SEL) CHRISTOPHER MCANDREW (FR/FLT/3YR) D1 FORCE READINESS BR (DXR) CDR MELISSA RANSOM (EXT) COMDT (CG-DCO-X) STRATEGIC ANALYST CDR RYAN KELLEY All tour lengths will be per the AY22 OPM Shopping List (unless indicated otherwise in parenthesis following the name of the officer). Also deadline for Reserve Captainsto submit one page biography to RPM as per the Reserve Captain Assignment Guide.g. SEC HONOLULU DEPUTY SECTOR COMMANDER CDR (SEL) KYRA CHIN-DYKEMAN (FR) Mr. Michael D. Emerson Director Marine Transportation Systems Management (CG-5PW) Admiral Linda L. Fagan Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard. PSC EPM-2 ASSIGN BR CH CDR ANTHONY MIGLIORINI Searchcriteria can include State, Job Code, Position Number, etc. SEC NOLA INSPECTIONS DIV LCDR JAMES FOTHERGILL (FLT/2YR) SEC NEW YORK PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR DANIEL MCQUATE Released by RDML Shannon N. Gilreath, CG Personnel Service Center. Assignments to units are as Commanding Officer/Commander unless otherwise indicated. OL-CG-LMI-USAFRICOM DDE OPLAW ATTORNEY CDR (SEL) AMY SUNG (FR) Stacey Crecy relieves Capt. 18 Mar 22: Deadline for requests to retire or separate in lieu of orders due to PSC-RPM.i. COMDT (CG-411) AERO ENG SYS DIV CH CDR (SEL) MICHAEL MILLER (FR/1YR) CGCC-3 OPS DEPT DD-DODIN OPS DIV CH CDR KENNETH HOGUE ALCGPSC 141/19 - AY 2020 ADPL CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 12/13/2019 09:29 PM EST. AIRSTA MIAMI OPERATIONS OFFICER CDR (SEL) JASON NEIMAN (FR) COMDT (CG-LGL) DEPUTY OFFICE CH LCDR EMILY MILETELLO coast guard captain assignment panel 2021rivercrest tunkhannock, pa. coast guard captain assignment panel 2021. suzette malveaux partner; dumpling making class; joel diaz boxing gym location; . Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (series) 1. D13 AUXILIARY BR (DPA) CDR (SEL) ANDREW JANTZEN (FR/2YR) D17 WATERWAYS MGMT BR (DPW) LCDR MICHAEL NEWELL (EXT) 2. COMDT (CG-DCO-X) STRATEGIC ANALYST LCDR ERIC VRYHEID CGC POLAR STAR EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR (SEL) JAYNA MCCARRON (FR) D5 INSP & INVEST BR (DPI) CDR CHRISTIAN BARGER ALCGPSC 028/22: AY 2022 ADPL Captain assignment panel results update. FORCECOM FLT TRNG & READINESS BR CH CDR (SEL) DIANA FERGUSON (FR) OL-LANT NAPLES ITA DDE-CGLO NAVEUR-C6F CDR DEREK CROMWELL (RR/1YR) 2. The official U.S. Coast Guard Reserve Twitter feed. AIRSTA SAN FRANCISCO EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR PAUL SMITH COMDT (CG-9335) TECH DIRECTOR CDR (SEL) JAMES BENNETT (FR) OL-LANT JTF E-PORT DDE-J-9 I&IP SEC DEP CDR (SEL) MICHAEL ROSS (FR) This message announces the AY22 Reserve assignment season kickoff and provides important guidelines and information for Reserve Captains and Commanders competing for assignment, their command cadre or supervisors and the Reserve officer corps at large. RDML Mary M. Dean (CG-092). He is directly responsible for all resident and classroom . COMDT (CG-6ES) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TBD BASE CHA NAVAL ENG DEPT(N) DEPT HEAD CDR MALCOM BELT Previouslyrequested special assignments also need to be included in priority order in thiseResume. Assignments to units are as commanding officer/commander unless otherwise indicated. Privacy Policy | GovDelivery is providing this information on behalf of U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and may not use the information for any other purposes. COMDT (CG-7512) MAJOR CUTTER CAPS DIV CH CDR JEREMY MONTES (3YR) PACAREA (PAC-55) CONTINGENCY PLNG BR CH LCDR ALEX STACHEL, Commandant, ViceCommandant, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, Deputy Commandant forOperations The unofficial list dropped on September 8th. united states coast guard u.s. department of . AIRSTA SITKA CDR VINCENT JANSEN The positions listed are open for assignment year 2022 and reflect the current state of the personnel allowance list (PAL). SEC VIRGINIA PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR MATTHEW MESKUN D14 INSP & INVEST BR (DPI) CDR (SEL) SIMONE MAUSZ (FR) D17 RESOURCE MGMT STAFF (DM) CDR (SEL) JORDAN BOGHOSIAN (FR) COMDT (CG-1333) SHI PROJECT OFCR CDR JETON DEVEREAUX (EXT) Requests must be submitted using standard Coast Guard memorandum, with command endorsement, to Commander (CG PSC-OPM-2). OL-USDAO COPENHAGEN DDE-COGATT-DNK CDR CARRIE MCKINNEY ACTIVITIES FAR EAST EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR (SEL) JEYAR PIERCE (FR) 2703 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR AVE SE STOP 7318. Members should request assignment via the "PCS e-Resume" module in Direct Access. ALCGRSV 017/22 - Assignment Year 2023 (AY23) Reserve Component Manager (RCM) Assignments Kick Off Timelines, Communications and Outreach. The primary candidate pool consists of Captains and Commanders reported in DA as tour complete in 2022, Commanders selected for Captain, Lieutenant Commanders selected for Commander, members who will change Reserve Component Category (RCC) to Selected Reserve (SELRES), members filling positions in which a paygrade mismatch exists between member and billet, members in reprogrammed positions, and members projected to be released from active duty. BASE ALAM C5I DEPT(E) C5I DEPT HEAD CDR MAX JENNY (EXT) The 2021 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel convened on 14 December 2020 and the following slate has been approved. SEC SS MARIE RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR ADOLFO VIEZCA, Eleventh District The over 50,000 members of the Coast . SEC SAN DIEGO PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR JAMIE KOPPI COMDT (CG-832) CG-832 DIV CH CDR (SEL) ERIC MAJESKA (FR/FLT/1YR) SEC PUGET SND INSPECTIONS DIV LCDR MICHAEL TAPPAN During his 20 years on active duty, Dennis was recognized for and performed several career-spanning collateral assignments, including DoD lead for Modeling & Simulation technology, and as expert in ergonomics, personnel testing, and incorporation of women into Naval Aviation. Officer candidates go through training designed just for officers. COMDT (CG-ODO-1) JNT STRAT PLNG DIV CH CDR SIMON GREENE (FLT/1YR) BASE PORT C5I DEPT(E) C5I DEPT HEAD CDR ERIC CHANG SHARE PRINT ALCPSC PSC CG-1. D8 OPERATIONAL PLNG BR (DXO) CDR (SEL) BRUCE WELLS (FR/3YR) McBride retired as Navy Captain (O-6) in 1999 with 20 years of service. He is a 1997 graduate of Manhattan College, earning a Bachelor's degree (summa cum laude . CGA LEGAL STAFF STAFF JUDGE ADVOCATE CDR JEFF JANARO Staff assignments are as chief of the office, division, or branch. PCS orders will be issued in January 2022. COMDT (CG-094H) HEARING OFCR CDR JAMES FOGLE (EXT) LANTAREA (LANT-6) ASSIST DIV CH CDR GARY MILLS COMDT (CG-MER-3) INTERAG COORD DIV CH LCDR CLIFTON GRAHAM (FLT/1YR) AIRSTA SAVANNAH EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR WILLIAM CAHILL (FLT/1YR) D1 LEGAL STAFF (DL) DEPUTY CDR (SEL) TERESA OHLEY (FR) ALCGPSC 108/21 - 2021 . Shopping lists: PSC-RPM is developing and validating AY22 shopping lists, which will identify anticipated billet vacancies. Objections to proposed assignments should be sent by e-mail to RADM Tiongson at Andrew.J.Tiongson.mil@mail.mil, copying the member's chain of command, Jennifer.L.Sinclair@uscg.mil, and Catherine.T.Carabine@uscg.mil. A Coast Guard Academy cadet shares her time aboard the NRP Sagres III. AIRSTA SACRAMENTO AERO ENG OFFICER CDR JUSTIN HUNT LDC TRAINING OFFICER CDR ANN BASSOLINO (FLT/3YR) 8/26/2021. Joseph J. Sundland, Base National Capital Region Capt. CEU JUNEAU-ASSET LINE CO CDR TRACEY TORBA (FLT/2YR) COMDT (CG-0923) DEPUTY OFFICE CH CDR MICHAEL WOLFE BASE PORT PERS SUPT DEPT(P) DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) STEPHANIE THOMAS (FR) The current version of DA will not notify the endorser of the request and does not allow late e-resume submission. FOIA; Accessibility; U.S. Department of Homeland . Staff assignments are as chief of the office, division, or branch unless otherwise indicated. SEC NOLA LOGISTICS DEPT HEAD CDR MATTHEW WARANIUS If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at MyCG@uscg.mil. LCDR Brian Smicklas, USCG, "The Demise of the Cutterman," U.S. HSWL OP MED OPS PLNG CDR DONALD KUHL LDC LEADERSHIP & ORG PERF DEPT PERF CDR THOMAS PRZYBYLA ALC OPERATIONS STAFF OPS OFFICER CDR JOHN BARTEL (FLT/2YR) SEC DETROIT PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) EDUARDO VALDEZ (FR) Please subscribe to receive email updates here: Only the most recent 25 messages will be displayed for each topic on the CG Public Web SEC SE NEW ENG LOGISTICS DEPT HEAD CDR MATTHEW MOTHANDER, Fifth District OPC PRO PANAMA CITY PMR/COR CDR (SEL) AARON LEYKO (FR) unless otherwise indicated. MILITARY Effective date of retirement is NLT 01 August 2022. Once there,enter your desired search criteria to obtain a list of open billets. DDE-PENTAGON-CGLO CH NAVOP (N3/N5) CDR MICHELLE FERGUSON SEC N NEW ENG LOGISTICS DEPT HEAD CDR GREGORY MCLAMB Rear Adm.Todd C. Wiemers,CG-7 D17 LEGAL STAFF (DL) STAFF JUDGE ADV CDR ARI FITZWATER COMDT (CG-26) SENIOR TECHNOLOGY OFCR CDR GERROD GLAUNER D5 LEGAL STAFF (DL) STAFF JUDGE ADV CDR ELIZABETH HUTTON (FLT/2YR) SEC NEW YORK RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) NATHANIEL SARGENT (FR) OL-LANT JIATF S-KW DDE-MAR OPS OFCR CDR ROBERT HILL 2022 - 2022 We are continuing our mission of building ecosystems to create authentic board diversity with the launch of our Black Corporate Board Readiness program. Programs are requested to have any new positions approvedNovember,1 2021per the AY22 Kickoff message (ALCGOFF 049/21). C. MILITARY SEPARATIONS, COMDTINST M1000.4. The Coast Guard is the principal Federal agency responsible for maritime safety, security, and environmental stewardship in U.S. ports and inland waterways, along more than 95,000 miles of U.S. coastline, throughout the 4.5 million square miles of U.S. Assignments to staff are as Chief of the office, Division, or Branch unless otherwise indicated. ALCGRSV 051/22 - Reserve Junior Enlisted (E6 and below) Assignment Year 2023 (AY23) Kickoff Announcement. for assignment, their command cadre or supervisors and the. COMDT (CG-791) DDE-DHS CYB POL TBD SEC MOBILE LOGISTICS DEPT HEAD CDR KRISTEN BAKER A. The 2022 active duty promotion list commander assignment panel convened on Jan. 25, 2022 and approved the following slate for officers ordered into the following billets: . A. D11 AUXILIARY BR (DPA) CDR (SEL) CHRISTINA JONES (FR) Many billets shopped due to potential rank mismatches, short tour requests, and other miscellaneous reasons may not be filled in AY22, dependent on service needs as the assignment and promotion years progress. The positions listedare open for assignment year 2022and reflect the current state of the personnel allowance list (PAL). D7 ENFORCEMENT BR (DRE) - DUTY CDR JORGE VALENTE GULF STRIKE TEAM CDR MELANIE BURNHAM He is responsible for conducting full-spectrum cyberspace operations in support of Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense mission objectives. uscg captain assignment panel 2022. ALCGRSV 057/21: Reserve Lieutenant Commander to Ensign Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Kickoff Announcement. COMDT (CG-DCO-X) STRATEGIC ANALYST-FTS CDR DAVID UHL SEC UPPER MISS DEPUTY SECTOR COMMANDER CDR (SEL) DANIEL EVERY (FR/FLT/2YR), Ninth District Units experiencing connectivity issues shouldrequest one copy for further dissemination by command cadre by contacting YN2Jose Perez-Vera atJose.A.Perez-Vera@uscg.mil. Validation: Unit commanders should verify the accuracy and status of each Reserve position on their PALas reflected in Direct Access (DA), along with anticipatedvacancies. LANT AFRICOM-STUTTGART DEU CAPT Jon Trent Warner COMMANDANT (CG-128) TBD james gandolfini interview; lds church headquarters phone directory; clientline merchant login. Officers marked with (EAD) will be offered Extended Active Duty contracts. COMDT (CG-451) NAVENG SYS MGMT DIV CH CDR BRIAN FITZPATRICK Road supervisor for Troopers, or Supervisor of a specialty unit. Updates to this listing will be posted to theOPM-2 Portal Siteandnotification of updates will bepromulgated via ALCGOFF messages. Assignments to staff are as chief of the office, division, or branch unless otherwise indicated. OL-DEPT OF STATE-HAVANA CU DDE D7 CGLO LCDR RYAN NEWMEYER CGC KIMBALL EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR (SEL) GARY KIM (FR) SEC MARYLAND-NCR RESP DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) ROBERTO CONCEPCION (FR) The list becomes official September 28th. to enhance our Nation's maritime safety, security, and prosperity.". DATA READINESS TASK FORCE ANALYTICS CH CDR (SEL) KEVIN LAUBENHEIMER (FR) All candidates must apply in Direct Accessusing the PCSeResumelink(found by following Main Menu Employee - Tasks - PCSeResumes). D7 LEGAL STAFF (DL) DEPUTY CDR (SEL) JASON ROBERTS (FR) CGC NORTHLAND CDR (SEL) ANDREW DENNELLY (FR) Managed by CG-R55, this is your link to what's happening in the Reserve component. Internal Coast Guard users can locate these at: ALCGPSC 022/23 - RESERVE OFFICER EXTENSION RESULTS ALCGPSC 021/23 - PY23 DECEMBER REGULAR TO RESERVE PANEL RESULTS ALCGPSC 020/23 - AY 2023 ADPL COMMANDER . TACLET PACAREA CDR CHRISTJAN GAUDIO, PACAREA SEC PUGET SND PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR KIRA MOODY In his role as the Chief of the Training Division, he oversees worldwide training and education for the U.S. Coast Guard. ALCGRSV 050/22 - Reserve CWO & Senior Enlisted (E7-E9) Assignment Year 2023 (AY23) Kickoff Announcement. Rear Admiral Megan Dean Director of Governmental and Public Affairs (CG-092) Dr. Terri A. Dickerson Director Civil Rights Staff (CG-00H) Rear Admiral Laura M. Dickey Deputy Commander, Atlantic Area. YARD INDUSTRIAL DEPT INDUST STAFF CH CDR JOSHUA DIPIETRO (2YR) RDML Shannon N. Gilreath (CG-PSC) SEC VIRGINIA RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) ERICA ELFGUINN (FR/FLT/2YR), Seventh District TRACEN PET HLTH SVCS BR IDHS C SCL-MTSA LCDR CLAIRE REILLY This ALCGPSC constitutes notification for requesting voluntary retirement in lieu of orders (RILO) per Ref B, including officers extended in their current billets. Please click here for full message. COMDT (CG-831) CG-831 DIV CH CDR PHIL GRANATI (3YR) BASE HONOLULU EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR (SEL) TIMOTHY DOLAN (FR) SEC CORPUS CHR CMD CADRE DEPUTY CAPT (SEL) MICHAEL CINTRON COMMANDANT (CG-128) CAPT (SEL) RUSSELL MAYER 3. AnyeResumesubmitted prior toAugust 1, 2021 friend died in dream islam; occupancy permit st louis county; money can't buy everything money can't make you a king; santa clara county superior court tentative rulings Feb. 24, 2023. SEC COL RIVER AIRSTA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR NEAL CORBIN PSC OPM-1 BRDS & PROMOS BR CH CDR DAVID RATNER (FLT/1YR) COMDT (CG-BSX-1) AUX DIV CH CDR BRADLY WINANS (2YR) July 1, 2011The applicant voluntarily retired on the day he would otherwise have been invol- . DDE-DCO-I PHILIPPINES CDR BIEN DECENA MSU DULUTH CDR JARROD DEWITZ This is cached page on VietNam Breaking News. The 2020 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel convened on 09 December 2019 and the following slate has been approved. LANT AFRICOM-STUTTGART DEU CAPT Jon Trent Warner OL-USODR PORT AU PRINCE DDE-SDO/DATT-HTI CDR ANNE GRABINS (EAD) /WEPS): CWO Russell Strathern, (202) 795-6453, CWO ASSIGNMENTS (BOSN/ENG/ISM/MLES/MSSD/MSSE/MSSR/OSS): CWO BryanKaseman, (202) 795-6462, An official website of the United States government, New commanding officer leads Pacific Strike Team, Cmdr. TRACEN YKTWN BOAT FRCS/CUT OP TRNG BR CH CDR SCOTT SMITH PLANS-METRICS-BUS ANLYS INTEL TM LD CDR BOBBIEJEAN FELIX, Director of Operational Logistics LANTAREA (LANT-094) DEPUTY SJA CDR STEPHEN MIROS D8 CONTINGENCY PLNG BR CH (DXC) CDR TORREY BERTHEAU INTEL COORD CENTER EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR KAREN LEYDET AIRSTA TRAVERSE CITY CDR ANDREW SCHANNO March 29, 2022. OL-SFLC LRE PDM-ALAM DD-LRE-PDM BR CH CDR NICHOLAS PARKER (EXT) COMDT (CG-9333) DEPUTY PRGM MGR CDR (SEL) THOMAS HOLLINBERGER (FR) OL-SFLC LRE ENG-ALAM DD-LRE-ENG BR CH CDR ANDERS HAMMERSBORG The incumbents of these positions should submit an e-resume beforethe 01 Sep 2021 deadline. SEC SAN DIEGO DEPUTY SECTOR COMMANDER CDR MATTHEW JONES 3,087 Followers. COMDT (CG-1B1) FUTURE FORCE PROJ DIV CH CDR (SEL) ORION BLOOM (FR) The 2023 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel convened on 6 December 2022 and approved the following slate. COMDT (CG-0921) CONGR AFFAIRS-LEGIS CSL CDR AMANDA LEE TO ALCGPSC The minimum time in grade to be considered eligible for retirement is two years. CAC CGPortal General Messages - Home, An official website of the United States government, Only the most recent 25 messages will be displayed for each topic on the CG Public Web, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), Civilian Human Resources, Diversity and Leadership Directorate (CG-12), Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4), Shore Infrastructure Logistic Center (SILC), Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, The Office of Information Management (CG-61), Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions (CG-9), Surface Acquisitions Logistics Center (SALC), Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, ALCGPSC 028/23 - ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2023 (AY23) RESERVE COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 027/23 - PY23 MARCH REGULAR-TO-RESERVE COMMISSION APPOINTMENT PANEL, ALCGPSC 026/23 - ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2023 (AY23) RESERVE CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS, ALCGGPSC 025/23 - 2023 RESERVE HIGH YEAR TENURE (R-HYT) PROFESSIONAL GROWTH POINT (PGP) WAIVER PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 024/23 - CORRECTING MILIITARY RECORDS (COVID-19), ALCGPSC 023/23 - INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 2023 WOMENS ARMED FORCES RUGBY SEVENS CHAMPIONSHIP, ALCGPSC 022/23 - RESERVE OFFICER EXTENSION RESULTS, ALCGPSC 021/23 - PY23 DECEMBER REGULAR TO RESERVE PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 020/23 - AY 2023 ADPL COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS UPDATE-1, ALCGPSC 019/23 - COAST GUARD GAMING PARTICIPATION IN 2023 ESPORTS COMPETITIONS, ALCGPSC 017/23 - OFFICER PROMOTION AUTHORIZATION LISTING (OPAL) 03-23, ALCGPSC 016/23 - PY23 ADPL CWO APPOINTMENT BOARD PRE-BOARD ELIGIBILITY LIST AND PACKAGE SUBMISSION GUIDANCE, ALCGPSC 015/23 - PY23 PERMANENT COMMISSIONED TEACHING STAFF (PCTS) DESIGNATION PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 014/23 - AY 2023 ADPL CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS - UPDATE 2 AND FINAL, ALCGPSC 013/23 - AY 2023 ADPL COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 011/23 - PY23 RESERVE CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER (CWO) SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, ALCGPSC 010/23 - AY 2023 ADPL CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS, ALCGPSC 009/23 - PY23 RESERVE COMPONENT MANAGER (RCM) DESIGNATION BOARD RESULTS, ALCGPSC 008/23 - OFFICER PROMOTION AUTHORIZATION LISTING (OPAL) 02-23, ALCGPSC 006/23 - 2023 COAST GUARD SPORTS PARTICIPATION GRANT PROGRAM, ALCGPSC 005/23 - COAST GUARD ATHLETES PARTICIPATION IN 2023 ARMED FORCES SPORTS, ALCGPSC 004/23 - PY23 ADPL NOVEMBER LTJG SELECTION BOARD RESULTS, ALCGPSC 003/23 - PY23 ACTIVE DUTY CWO APPOINTMENT BOARD PERSONAL DATA EXTRACTS AND PROFILE LETTERS, ALCGPSC 002/23 - ADDENDUM NO.1 TO OPAL 01-23, ALCGPSC 163/22 - 2023 TRACEN YORKTOWN MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. (MLK) INVITATIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil.